Friday, November 17, 2006


NDP achieves victory on climate change

Everyday Canadians the winner with NDP climate change solution

OTTAWA-Today the Prime Minister announced the government’s willingness to send the Clean Air Act to a special legislative committee to be deliberated on by MPs from all parties.

The solution allows the clean air legislation to be debated and amended in committee immediately.

“This breaks the parliamentary logjam.” said NDP leader Jack Layton. “Everyday Canadians want to see action on climate change now, in their lifetime and for future generations. What has been achieved over the last 48 hours means that this minority parliament will move forward on vital climate change legislation. This is a victory for all Canadians.”

The Clean Air Act will now go to committee-stage before second reading in the House of Commons. This means that the bill can be fundamentally amended to include the crucial science-based targets and timelines in order to see real and immediate action on the environment. This will ensure that Canada puts in place targets to meet its Kyoto obligations and beyond.

“The solution also allows the work of the Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainability to continue uninterrupted,” said Nathan Cullen, the NDP Critic for the Environment. “Crucial debates on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and other important environmental legislation will continue to be addressed.”

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