Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Thanks to Election Prediction and many voters

07 03 20
Anne Humphreys65.94.172.189
Francis Chartrand, activiste et militant, avec 10 ans d’expérience de militantisme qui se présente contre Gilles Perron. Fort connu dans l’ensemble de la circonscription, il a continué de militer en dehors des campagnes électorales et a bénéficié d'un leadership régional au sein même du NPD. Bien que la moyenne au bâton de Gilles Perron s’est maintenue depuis 1997 (environ 26 500 électeurs), le politicien n’a pas de bilan et une très faible visibilité, au contraire de Francis Chartrand qui a passé dans les journaux plus de 20 fois en 1 an.

07 03 28
Charlotte Saint-Onge65.94.171.222
Francis Chartrand, il a de fortes chances d'être élu à la tête de ce compté, il a su remonter une côte de popularité des néo-démocrates dans les Laurentides et il est perçu comme un lieutenant pour les sociaux-démocrates au nord de Montréal, ainsi que pour de nombreux regroupements étudiants. Il est fort à parier que la lutte sera chaude avec le Bloc, mais Francis Chartrand est le favori de nombreux électeurs.

07 05 13
Le NPD prends de l'ampleur dans cette circonscription. Francis Chartrand démontre depuis la dernière élection que cette région est négligé par notre députe Bloquiste. M. Chartrand commence a gagner du terrain surtout dans Deux-Montagnes ou il se fait une popularité rare. Les autres partis sont que des machines électorales, alors je doute qu'il y aura une montée possible de leurs parts. C'est dans la main du Bloc, qui risque fortement l'échapper la prochaine fois. Suite d'une course a quatre, l'élection va finir avec une surprise du NPD.

07 06 17
Mais dans quelle soupe patauge donc le Bloc dans les Laurentides en attaquant ainsi les néo-démocrates dans les journaux sur l'Afghanistan ainsi que le salaire à 10$, de même sur un projet d'éolienne dans le secteur de Mirabel ? Bien que ce compté ait voté pour le oui à plus de 55% en 1995, le 26 mars dernier la Rive-Nord a démontré que les partis souverainistes n'auront pas toujours pieds mis dans cette région. De nombreux partisans de la région en ont marre des mêmes discours sur la souveraineté, de plus qu'on voit M. Chartrand de plus en plus dans les journaux locaux. Le NPD dans Rivière-des-Mille-Îles ? Sait-on jamais...

07 06 20
Je ne connais pas beaucoup ce comté, mais je me risque à prévoir une victoire du NPD dans Rivière-des-Milles-Îles.Au provincial, l'ADQ a fait une percée inimaginable dans les Laurentides et dans Lanaudière, deux régions qui ne reflètent en rien les valeurs conservatrices.C'était un vote de protestation, car les gens de ces deux régions se sentaient abandonner par les deux grands partis d'avant (PLQ et PQ) et ont vu qu'ils avaient perdu leurs racines avec le peuple. Alors, ils ont été à l'ADQ, car ce parti n'a jamais été corrompu par le pouvoir et qu'il parlait au nom du peuple en reflètant ses intérêts.Au fédéral, ce parti, c'est le NPD. Qui plus est, le candidat néo-démocrate serait un activiste démocrate incarnant le changement qui a l'appui indéfectible des étudiants de la région et du comté.Le ras-le-bol généralisé envers la classe politique permettra-t-il au NPD d'emporter Rivière-des-Milles-Îles? Moi, après avoir vu ce qui s'est passé le 26 mars dernier, je dis que tout est possible.Une victoire du NPD est sérieusement à prévoir dans ce comté.

07 06 20
Iba Bourramine65.94.171.189
Les derniers sondages, si on peut les croire, d?montre que le NPD et les Conservateurs sont en hausse au Québec, et principalement dans les Laurentides, profitant ainsi d'une chute des Libéraux et des Blocquistes.
Au Qu?bec :
Cons = 28%
Bloc = 24%
Libs = 20%
NDP = 18%
Verts = 10%
Dans les Laurendites :
Bloc = 32%
Cons = 26%
NPD = 22%
Libs = 12%
Verts = 8%
Dans Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel :
Bloc = 28%
Cons = 28%
NPD = 26%
Libs = 12%
Verts = 6%
Dans Marc-Aurèle-Fortin :
Bloc = 36%
Cons = 24%
NPD = 22%
Libs = 10%
Verts = 8%
Dans Rivière-des-Mille-Îles :
NPD = 28%
Bloc = 28%
Cons = 22%
Libs = 14%
Verts = 8%
Ce sondage effectué par Ipsos et par le Groupe Infonet pour certains hebdomadaires régionaux en début de juin sur plus d'un millier d'électeur est assez intéressant de plus du fait que ces <> du Bloc Québécois sont devenus et restés, au plan provincial des compté adéquistes et libéraux. La chute de l'option souverainiste ne se fait pas seulement sentir qu'à Montréal, mais dans bien des régions du Québec. Et curieusement, certains candidats néo-démocrates montrant leur présence davantage que leurs députés du Bloc, et faisant preuve d'initiative, démontrent qu'il leurs est possible de faire percée, en région.

07 08 08
Conrad Lauzon65.94.163.162
Faudrait être fou ou naïf pour ne pas voir les chances qu’empoche le candidat néo-démocrate, Francis Chartrand. Je viens de Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-lac, et où j’habite, je n’entends pas parler de lui si je n’entends pas parler des algues bleues (gros sujet de conversation de l’été) ou biens des 5 boisés qu’il a fait mettre en tutelle dans Saint-Eustache ou Deux-Montagnes afin d’éviter la construction de 7 tours à condos, ou de la remise sur pieds d’un centre hébergement pour itinérants juvéniles.Pour un nouveau venu (qui se présente encore) à peine sorti de l’université en enseignement, il fait beaucoup de bruits. Pour bien des gens dans sa communauté, on raconte qu’il est une meilleure référence que les propres conseillers municipaux. Ça sent pas bon pour le bloc, et les gens de la région, nationalistes soi, en ont assez du débat constitutionnel qui ce dernier semble plutôt oublié par la population. Faudrait vraiment que ses adversaires locaux prennent leurs dossiers au sérieux et qu’ils lâchent les tournois de golf de la chambre de commerce, sinon ils vont manquer le bateau, le bloc inclus.

07 10 28
Catherine Bolduc65.94.163.33
Francis Chartrand du NPD, c'est bien évident qu'il mène dans les sondages de la région, 32% pour lui contre le bloc à 29%, 25% pour les Conservateurs 9% pour les Libéraux au dessus des Verts à 5%, source L'Éveil et Nord-Info. En plus des entrevues qu'il a accordé dans tous les médias locaux, qui couvrent toutes les Basses-Laurentides, certains lui accordent même les moyens de pression qu'il a fait avec la population de Saint-Eustache concernant les 2 millions venant du Ministere des travaux publics, visant à la réflexion de l'échangeur Arthur-Sauvé et de la 640. En plus qu'il milite pour refaire le pont Arthur-Sauvé. Le dépôt de la commission Johnson cette au Québec a réveillé bien des esprits endormis. Mais Chartrand est sur le cas de la sécurité des infrastructures routières depuis avril dernier en plus du transport en commun. Le monde se tourne tranquillement mais surement vers lui, histoire de lui laisser tenter sa chance à Ottawa.


Harper’s unbalanced economic statement fails families - Tuesday October 30, 2007

Conservatives cut $14 billion cheque to corporate Canada, ignore growing gap

OTTAWA – NDP Leader Jack Layton blasted today’s unbalanced economic statement.

“This was an unprecedented opportunity to invest in people and their communities,” said Layton. “It was an opportunity for targeted tax relief and to close the growing prosperity gap. Instead, the Conservatives will hand out over $14 billion in corporate tax cuts over the next 5 years.”

“Instead of closing the prosperity gap, this statement will continue to widen it and place even greater pressure on middle class families,” added Layton.

NDP Industry critic Peggy Nash (Parkdale-High Park) says the overall economic update was disappointing in its lack of balance.

“The Conservatives have proven again they can’t be trusted to make life truly more affordable for everyday Canadians,” said Nash.

“Without any investment in social or community infrastructure in this statement, the average family will pay a lot more for things like childcare, university and college education or prescription drugs. A one percent drop in the GST will not come anywhere near to putting working families and the middle class ahead.”

Layton announced that the NDP would not be supporting the economic statement.


Jack Layton’s Throne Speech: It’s Time to Build a Better Canada - Saturday October 27 2007

It’s time to build the Canada of our dreams: prosperous and green, where no-one is left behind.

A Canada that invests in its people, its communities and cities.

A Canada that champions equality and tolerance at home, peace and cooperation on the world stage.

This is a time in our country’s history when we are presented with unprecedented opportunity.

It’s time for bold steps.

But Mr. Harper’s government is taking Canada in the wrong direction. Most Canadians know it. We feel it deep down.

His agenda doesn’t match our dreams of what our country could achieve. A Conservative future means that hard-working families will fall further behind; our environment will continue to deteriorate as pollution increases and our water becomes unsafe; and Canada’s role on the world stage will continue to run counter to the values that we hold dear as a country.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I have the honour to lead the New Democratic Party of Canada. The party of the “greatest Canadian”, Tommy Douglas. The party that brought Medicare to Canada – a commitment grounded in the powerful idea that when it comes to medical care, every Canadian is looked after, not just those who can afford it. After 40 years, Medicare continues to symbolize the bold vision of investing in each other and today it binds us closer together than ever before. It has become a cornerstone of Canadian values.

It’s time for bold, visionary steps again.

Achieving Fairness by Closing the Growing Prosperity Gap

We believe that unparalleled economic growth and federal surpluses present an opportunity to achieve fairness for hard-working families by investing in people and their communities. Mr. Harper believes that it’s time for more unbalanced corporate tax cuts.The hard facts of life in Canada are clear: despite current economic growth and record corporate profits, more and more families are working harder just to make ends meet. The average Canadian today is working 200 more hours per year than they did just 9 years ago. Yet in the last 20 years, over half of all families have seen their incomes drop. That’s not fair.

While the federal government is amassing record-breaking surpluses, more and more people are being left behind. Even the middle class is feeling squeezed.

Many working families are confronting the need to care for their ageing parents at the same time as providing for their children. In Aboriginal communities, many families live in crowded, third world conditions. New Canadians are unable to use their skills and young people are struggling to get the education and training that they need because of high tuition fees and crippling student debt. Homelessness and poverty grip far too many and hundreds of thousands of Canadians are being thrown out of work in key sectors.

In coffee shops across Canada everyday folks are saying: “When there are windfall profits and record CEO salaries, it’s not right that people like me are struggling to make ends meet.”

It’s time to close this growing and unfair “prosperity gap” through prudent and strategic investments:

  • in home care and long-term care, that would shorten wait times in hospital emergency rooms and give seniors the care, dignity and respect that they deserve after building our country;
  • in affordable, quality childcare that would help families balance their work and home lives;
  • in housing, so that no one is forced to choose between paying the rent and feeding the kids; and
  • in universal prescription drug coverage, so that all Canadians, regardless of their income, get the medications that their doctors say they need.

It’s also time for fairness for consumers. We will eliminate bank machines fees and introduce tougher rules to ensure that toys, food and consumer goods are safe for you and your family.

Tackling the Climate Change Crisis to Protect Future Generations

We believe that to ensure our children and grandchildren have a healthy, viable future, we must take leadership on climate change today. Mr. Harper believes we can ignore international obligations and allow big polluters to carry on with business as usual.

Over the last 14 years, Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions soared. Worry has turned into deep anxiety. The air we breathe is getting dirtier and the future of our children and grandchildren is at stake. Now is the time for hopeful action, not despair or excuses.

In Parliament, the NDP showed leadership by bringing the parties together to re-write Mr. Harper’s grossly inadequate “Clean Air Act”. Numerous ambitious and achievable ideas were put into this legislation. Environmental groups hailed our initiatives because they would see Canada get on track, once and for all, to reducing its emissions, cutting pollution, investing in transit and becoming a leader in clean, green alternative energy sources - including wind and solar.

But Mr. Harper and the Conservatives have now blocked this progress. They’ve put Canada back on the wrong track.

The NDP will continue to unleash Canadians’ creativity to get action on climate change. We will introduce hard-caps on the big polluters - making them pay for their excess toxic greenhouse gases. We will end the tax subsidies for big oil and big gas and instead invest that money into green solutions that are just waiting to become reality.

Helping the People of Afghanistan Achieve a Lasting Peace

We believe that to help the people of Afghanistan, Canada should focus its efforts on reconstruction, aid and peace. Mr. Harper believes that we should continue participating in a counter-insurgency combat mission.Canadian values include playing a leadership role as peace-builders and peacekeepers. We wish to share our wealth with those who are suffering from war, disease and famine.

The NDP believes it’s time we put those values in place for the people of Afghanistan. We believe that the current combat-role, the counter-insurgency mission, is inconsistent with Canadian values. Under Liberal and Conservative governments, Canada has spent $10 on combat for every dollar it has spent on aid and reconstruction in Afghanistan.

The humanitarian situation is not improving, it’s getting worse. Civilian security is getting worse.

Canadians want to help the people of Afghanistan. It’s time to refocus our efforts and bring our troops home - as a clear indication of the new role we want to play. It’s time to play a leadership role in bringing the many sides together in the pursuit of a lasting peace. Let’s invest in aid and reconstruction as we do so. That way, we can help improve the lives of Afghanis and offer hope instead of a war without end.

With Leadership it Can be Done

It’s time for Canadians to dream big, not only for their families, but for their country.It’s time that we closed the prosperity gap, tackled climate change, and ensured that Canada plays a positive role on the world stage.

The NDP is offering a bold plan and the leadership to get us there.

It’s time to build again. Don’t let them tell you it can’t be done.


Leader of the absent opposition

On October 24th 2007, Stéphane Dion and the Liberal Party helped Stephen Harper take Canada in the wrong direction - on the environment, on the mission in Afghanistan, and on the growing prosperity gap.

Just over twenty months ago, Liberals told Canadians to vote for them because they would oppose Stephen Harper. But given the chance to oppose him, Liberals ducked-out instead.

95 Liberal MPs put politics ahead of their principles and abstained on the crucial vote on Harper's Throne Speech.

Jack Layton and the NDP know what they stand for and whose side they are on. Each NDP MP was in the House of Commons and voted "NO" to Harper.

But these 95 Liberal MPs chose to let Harper get his way, just like they promised ordinary Canadians they wouldn't.

Go see the MPs absent list:

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Layton calls for outreach to disaffected Liberal, Bloc voters - Tuesday October 23, 2007

NDP to play effective opposition to Harper agenda

OTTAWA - On the eve of the vote on the Conservative Throne Speech, NDP Leader Jack Layton called on his party’s staff to get ready to serve as the effective opposition to the Harper agenda.

At a campaign-style rally this morning, Layton said, “hardworking families know that the Conservative government is taking Canada in the wrong direction. If the Liberals aren’t willing to stand up to Mr. Harper’s agenda – the NDP will.”

The NDP brought approximately 150 of its staff from across Canada together for a two-day intensive Opposition School on Parliament Hill. Layton called on staff to not only help caucus hold the Harper government to account, but to also to reach out to disaffected Liberal and Bloc voters.

“As New Democrats, we know what we believe. We are guided by our principles. And we will stand up to the Harper agenda, not only for the 2.5 million Canadians who voted for us, but also for all of those who voted against this government but cannot count on the Liberals or the Bloc to do it.”

Layton cited the NDP’s leadership on its re-writing of the Clean Air Act, the near adoption of the NDP’s childcare law and its launching of a campaign for universal drug coverage as examples of the NDP’s effectiveness since the last general election.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Jack Layton's response to the Speech from the Throne

Mr. Speaker, I am very proud to take part in this debate. It is a privilege for me to rise in this House today to reply to the Conservative government's throne speech on behalf of the NDP caucus.

Our caucus is guided by principles. It is united and it is growing. I lead a party that knows what it believes. Like most hardworking Canadians, we believe that the government is taking this country in the wrong direction, and the agenda laid out in this throne speech continues to take Canada down the wrong path.

At a time when Canada is at war, our climate is in crisis and the middle class families are falling further and further behind, the government had an obligation to show leadership. It did not do it. It has proven once again that it cannot be counted on.

We did listen very carefully to the speech and I do want to say, in addition, that we listened to the Prime Minister today very carefully.

We are intrigued, for instance, to learn that the Prime Minister is now open to the NDP proposal of long-standing that the Senate should be abolished.

If he is serious, he should start by putting somebody who is elected by the people to be in charge of signing cheques with the people's money and not an unelected senator, Michael Fortier. We suggest he check out the voters in the riding in which he lives. Of course, he passed up on the opportunity to present himself to be elected on that occasion in Outremont.

If he is serious about abolishing the Senate, the Prime Minister should start by asking Michael Fortier to resign and get himself elected to the House of Commons.

We also welcome the proposed apology in the Speech from the Throne to Canada's first nations for the terrible injustices and abuses of the residential schools system.

Over the summer I travelled to communities across the country and I listened to countless stories from hardworking folks who are having real trouble making ends meet. Today, when more wealth is being created in our country than at any other time in its history, families are working longer just to make those ends meet.

In fact, average Canadians today are squeezing 200 more hours of work out of each year than they did just nine years ago just to keep up. And yet, the income gap between those at the top and the rest is at a 30 year high. Something is fundamentally wrong with this picture and Canadians know it.

Nearly two-thirds of Canadians say they are not benefiting from the economic growth that is being generated in this country. It is wrong. It needs to change.

It is what the NDP has been calling the prosperity gap and it is growing in our country. It is putting working families and the middle class further and further behind. It is creating more homelessness and poverty. We now have two million seniors living in poverty in this country after they helped to build the basics that gave us the wealth that we have today.

While a few people at the top are enjoying the benefits of the current economy, everyone else is not. Sure we have seen the windfall salaries and extraordinary bonuses of CEOs, but wages for everyone else are essentially stagnant and falling for an awful lot of families. As a result of the government's agenda, the middle class in Canada is falling behind.

Last summer, people told me that they were expecting action from the government to help their families make ends meet, to make the necessities of life more affordable and to ensure them greater financial security.

The government could have chosen to reduce the gap between the rich and the rest of us. Reducing that gap could and should have been a priority for the present session. Instead, the Conservatives chose to do nothing. They just do not care.

Over the years vague promises for action have not alleviated the crisis in Canada's manufacturing and resource sectors. What is needed is real leadership in these key sectors of the economy, but the Conservative agenda fails to give hope to the families and the communities which are suffering massive job losses as a result of the government's devastating policies. It is also failing to provide leadership for families when it comes to health care.

Millions of families cannot find a doctor. Wait times are still far too high for too many and the cost of prescription drugs continues to skyrocket to points where people simply cannot pay for the medications they need. When I spoke to the Canadian Pharmacists Association, I told the story of how some people go to that counter with a prescription their doctor says they need and once it is provided and the cost is known, they have to walk away from that medication because they cannot afford it. The two women pharmacists I explained this to said, “This happens each and every day with all of our pharmacist members in the country”. This is a tragedy.

Out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs is now more than 70% higher than it was in 1992. Canadian households are spending $3 billion a year on prescription drugs. By ignoring these fundamental issues the Conservative agenda, as it was laid out in the throne speech, has turned its back on improving health care for today's families.

Despite the Conservative indifference to all this, the NDP is going to redouble its efforts in its campaign for universal drug coverage, so that the hardworking families of this country can get the drugs they need based on their doctor's advice and not on their accountant's advice.

Last summer, I had the opportunity to speak with many Canadians who work hard for their money. In particular, I spent a lot of time in Montreal, including in Outremont, obviously for good reasons. I noticed one thing: voters from Quebec, like voters from all of Canada, are no longer just concerned about climate change, they are now clearly worried.

Working Canadians are becoming fundamentally anxious about the crisis of climate change and about the future that will follow, the future of their children and their grandchildren. Working Canadians are becoming more and more anxious about it. They are angry that the current government and the preceding government failed to get Canada on the right track for tackling climate change and the crisis that goes along with it. The air we breathe is getting dirtier, not cleaner.

Under the Liberals, greenhouse gases, which are so harmful, increased by 23% beyond our Kyoto objectives. They increased faster in Canada under the Liberal Party, when the current leader of the Liberal Party was Minister of the Environment, than they did in the United States under the Bush administration.

We are facing an unprecedented global crisis, and it is simply unacceptable for the government to use Liberal failures as an excuse for inaction. We must act.

As we face an unprecedented global crisis, this is not the time to use past failures, as the Prime Minister is wont to do, as an excuse for future inaction. We have to work even harder to honour our international obligations to stop climate change.

That is why this is the time once and for all to take real action, not water down the clean air act and the climate change act as stated in the throne speech. That is not the path to follow for Canada to respond to the crisis. It is a course involving fundamentally inaction and indifference on climate change. This has a profound impact in every corner of this country and no more important than in Canada's north.

Unlike some other leaders, I successfully completed a visit to Canada's Arctic this summer. I had the opportunity to visit the north last year as well. I saw firsthand the huge impact that climate change is having on our Arctic. It is truly horrifying to see the rate of change: the rapidity of the retreating glaciers that the elders told me about, which only a few years before had come right down to bodies of water and have now disappeared back beyond the mountains; the melting permafrost; new vegetation appearing in areas where there had never been vegetation before, particularly around the national park near Pangnirtung; the all but disappeared caribou; the collapse of the multi-million dollar commercial ice fishery because of rising ocean temperatures in that region.

I spoke with the elders who are bearing witness to the greatest deterioration of their environment and therefore to their way of life that they have ever witnessed. Time is running out. I saw countless examples of the social and economic impacts of years of neglect.

As we mark this day, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the way to offer real opportunity and hope for the north is to begin to invest in the social and economic infrastructure, not just the military infrastructure, in the north. Only after we tackle illiteracy, disease, homelessness and provide hope to the peoples of Canada's north will we be truly exercising Arctic sovereignty.

While the government has moved in the right direction to address past wrongs to the aboriginal people, as I mentioned earlier, with the apology concerning residential schools, the government took a sad step back when it voted against the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Once again in the Conservative agenda aboriginal people were treated as second-class citizens in this country. It is not right.

During my travels this summer I also heard folks tell me that the combat mission in Afghanistan is not the right mission for Canada. It is not the role that Canadians want to see their country play on the world stage.

The NDP has been a consistent voice for peace, reconstruction and aid. We speak on behalf of millions of everyday Canadians who want the government to change direction in Afghanistan, who want to help bring in real security and a peace process, a peace that is lasting. Only the NDP has always been clear and consistent on this issue. It is the wrong mission for Canada.

The Conservative Party successfully extended the mission in Afghanistan until 2009 with the support of the Liberal Party. The Conservatives and the Liberals want to participate in the war of aggression until at least 2009 and we know that the Bloc Québecois agrees with that.

Only the NDP is calling for the immediate withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan. Our position in favour of peace has not changed, is consistent, and is based on the principles shared by most Canadians.

The Prime Minister has said that he is seeking a mandate to govern with this throne speech. The NDP has a mandate to oppose the direction of the government. The agenda laid out in the Conservative throne speech continues to take Canada in the wrong direction on key issues and therefore cannot be supported.

The NDP is a party of principles. We are not afraid of the consequences of our actions because we firmly believe in these principles. This is why we will oppose the Speech from the Throne. Unlike the leader of the Liberal Party, we will not pretend. We will not criticize, only to later sit back and hide behind excuses. We will not shirk our responsibility.

We will vote against this throne speech on behalf of the 2.5 million Canadians who voted for the NDP, but also on behalf of all Canadians who voted against this government and who cannot count on the Liberals.

The NDP will oppose this throne speech because our caucus has principles. We know what we believe. Our members will be in place for each and every vote, and we will rise when it is our turn to vote and demonstrate clearly our opposition to the wrong direction in which the government is taking Canada.

We will leave the revisionist history and games to others. If the leader of the official opposition wants to stop the government's agenda, then I invite him to join us in voting against this throne speech. That is what the NDP will be doing: showing leadership.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Throne Speech takes Canada in wrong direction

Up to Stephane Dion to give Harper a ‘mandate to govern’ says Layton

OTTAWA – NDP Leader Jack Layton says the agenda laid out in the Harper Throne Speech continues to take Canada in the wrong direction on key issues and therefore cannot be supported.

“On issue after issue, the Throne Speech failed to chart the right path on key issues,” said Layton. “Everyday Canadians were looking for a change in direction on Afghanistan, a clear commitment on climate change and a recognition of the current hardships average families face despite signs of economic growth. This Throne Speech failed on all fronts: no new direction on Afghanistan, watering down the re-written Clean Air Act and no commitment to close the growing prosperity gap hurting middle class families.

“If Stephen Harper is looking for a mandate, he’ll have to get it from Stephane Dion and the Liberals,” said Layton.

Layton called on Mr. Dion to ensure that all Liberals show up for votes on the Throne Speech in the coming days.

“A Throne Speech is a rare but important opportunity to indicate whether you support the direction of the government or not. If Mr. Dion fails to show leadership, to oppose the Harper government, the NDP will do it.”

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Rivière des Mille-Îles: pollution remains problematic

Pierre Bellemare
La Presse
“More than 350 million were invested in works drainage of water in immediate area catchment Rivière-des-Mille-Îles. In spite of a notable improvement rising from these investments, the quality of the water of this river remains still problematic.”
Such is the conclusion of a study of the ministry for the durable Development, Environment and Parks (MDDEP) carried out a few years ago. All indicates that, since 2005, “an important bacteriological contamination is always observed downstream from certain stations of purification (Boisbriand and Saint-Eustache in particular) and in a way almost generalized in times of rain. Generally, one in the document of the bearing MDDEP reads on the quality of the water of the Rivière-des-Mille-Îles, the contents of coliformes fecal in the river exceed the quality aimed after the cleansing, that is to say 200 UFC/100 ml.
Jean Lauzon, cofounder with Michel Aubut of the parc de la Rivière-des-Mille-Îles, confirmed with the Press. “The Rivière-des-Mille-Îles was already a dump with open sky. One had to close the beaches, which is always the case, because there is too many coliformes fecal.”
There were certain improvements these last years, but the authorities must still invest much money to make drinkable this river of 42 kilometers. “The bathe is prohibited there; only the water sports are allowed as fishing, except that I would hesitate to eat fish coming from this river”, declares Olivier Laforme, president of Association protection and environment of Boisbriand, which gathers more than one hundred of citizens and which brought a collective case against the municipality.
The Town of Boisbriand must invest 28 million, of which 11 million comes from Ottawa and Quebec, to modernize its factory of purification which goes back to 1964. But this project will not regulate of anything the problem of the river for the summer 2008. Mr. Lauzon concluded: “The demographic trends made so that the current installations do not answer the request any more. It would be necessary absolutely that the factories of purification of Boisbriand and Saint-Eustache do not reject any more their water directly with the river and that one adds retaining tanks with an aim of treating water before turning over it to the river”.


Port Methane tanker - Thomas Mulcair denounces the project

Yves Chartrand
Le Journal de Montréal
10/10/2007 06h38
The NDP MP Thomas Mulcair, former minister for the Environment in Quebec, shows his old government to support the project of port Rabaska methane tanker at the expense of the safety of the population of Quebec.
Joint in France yesterday where it makes a pause after its victory in Outremont, Thomas Mulcair is not obstructed any more maintaining to denounce the project which, with that of the privatization of the park of the Orford Mount, cost him its post of Minister for the Environment in January 2006.
Let us recall that last week, the minister Claude Béchard drew aside the Commission of protection of the agricultural territory of the project to accelerate the file.
The promoter of the Rabaska project is made of a conglomerate joining together Gaz Métro, Enbridge and Gaz de France. Let us recall that Gaz de France will be amalgamated in 2008 with the Groupe Suez, controlled partly by Power Corporation, in particular owner in Quebec of the Gesca newspapers. “I am convinced that a port methane tanker at this place, so near to a center to population, St. Lawrence Seaway and significant ecosystems, is a major error, known as Thomas Mulcair. I refused at the time sending it to the BAPE for these reasons and they are always true today. ”
Mulcair is all the more at ease to denounce the project that its new party, the NDP of Layton Jack, is the only federal formation to have deposited a report with the BAPE, relating to Rabaska, to be opposed to the project.
According to him, “it is clear that Rabaska is to supply the market of the nordest of the United States, and anything else”, especially not to diversify the energy wallet of Quebec.
The government of Jean Charest adds “a little sugar around the pill of Rabaska” while announcing to want to be used for itself of natural gas to replace heavy fuel oil. “It is a good idea, ditil, but one does not need Rabaska for that. We have already a sure source of provisioning in the West of Canada which is enough.”
Project of port methane tanker with Cacouna, that it sent in front of the BAPE when he was a Minister for the Environment of Quebec, “did not represent the same risks”, supports it. The human concentration is much less there than in the area of the capital and the river, broader, attenuates the risks of accident.“
I would add that one of the principles of the new law on the durable development is not respected in Rabaska, that to have a support of the medium, which is the case with Cacouna”, judges Mulcair.
Never, for reasons of safety, the American authorities would not authorize a project like Rabaska. “The highest persons in charge for the American coastal Guard confirmed it to me, says it. They would never admit boats methane tankers coming from Russia or of Algeria in their ports. All is under their control.”


Burmese dictatorship - The NPD wants to convene Paul Desmarais's son

Paul Dewar, Ottawa-Center MP

Vincent Larouche
Le Journal de Montréal
08/10/2007 09h42
The parties of opposition accentuated the pressure on the companies making deal with the Burmese dictatorship, yesterday, the NDP planning even to convene the businessman Paul Desmarais wire before a committee of the Communes so that it explains there his commercial bonds with Burma.
Whereas the Burmese military junta announced 70 new arrests of democratic militants, the NDP evoked the idea to convene the business leader of Power Corporation before the Standing Committee of the Foreign Affairs of the House of Commons because of the bonds of the businessman with the oil Total Frenchwoman, established in Burma.
“The Committee should examine which kind of investments Power Corporation has in Burma, even if it is through several degrees of separation, affirms the deputy Paul Dewar, critical NPD for the Foreign Affairs. That would be a good idea to hear Mr. Desmarais, to see his comprehension of that”, says Mr. Dewar.
Restricted circle
Heir to the largest fortune of Quebec, Paul Desmarais's son forms part since 2002 of the administrators of Total. By the means of its European holding Pargesa, which it jointly holds with the family, Power Corp holds also 3,9% of the actions of the oil one, which already announced that it would not leave Burma.
Saturday, several groups, of which Amnesties international, pressed the Canadian investors to leave Burma or to denounce repression publicly.
Yesterday, the critic of the Bloc Québécois on the file, Francine Lalonde, insisted on the social responsibility for the investors in this country while specifying that the case of Total concerns the French government.
“What does not want to say that the concept of social responsibility does not apply to Mr. Desmarais”, the MP adds.
As regards Liberal Party, MP Ujjal Dosanjh refused to comment on the case of Power Corporation, but affirms that “when you make deal with a mode which massacres its population, you must question yourselves”.
An attache of the minister Maxime Bernier pointed out that Ottawa presses the business world not to conclude from commercial agreements in Burma. The direction of Power Corp did not point out the Journal yesterday.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


NDP Newfoundland and Labrador NDP Leader reaffirms the NDP's commitment to Labrador

Labrador City: NDP Leader, Lorraine Michael today reaffirmed the NDP's commitment to the people of Labrador while visiting the Darrel Brenton Campaign for Labrador West.

"The NDP is committed to the people of Labrador. We have spoken out on a number of issues that are important to its citizens. We have fought for more equitable funding for medical transportation to make health care accessible for everyone and will continue to do so."

"People need to make multiple visits and often are still waiting for the reimbursement of their first trip when they are their way to the third doctor's visit," said Michael. The cost for people to travel from Labrador to the island for specialist’s appointments or procedures is restrictive.

The NDP has been calling for an external review of the healthcare system. The review would look at staffing and medical travel, both of which are critical to the people of Labrador.

There has been a new hospital planned for Labrador West. Government has not looked at the services that are actually needed in the community. "The refrain has been 'we are building a hospital', but government has not reviewed the specific services that are needed before construction begins. This already puts the proposed hospital at a disadvantage since they will be fitting in the services, not planning the building to fit the needs of the community like palliative care and other specialized services."

The Conservatives released their energy plan on the eve of the election. There is nothing in the plan to enhance industrial development in Labrador other than the actual construction of the Lower Churchill. Government is short sighted in expecting existing companies to expand, or new industries to build, without there being clear commitments to the availability of power in the area. Neither is there anything in the plan to indicate that government recognizes the need to address residential electrical needs on the coast of Labrador.

The Conservatives claim they are supportive of Labrador issues however since they have been in government there has been no progress on the completion of the Trans Labrador Highway (TLH). There is still incomplete cell phone coverage along the highway, something which is a necessity to meet the needs of people traveling on the TLH. The lack of a 9-1-1 system for Labrador and the whole province is an issue of public safety.

The resources of Labrador have long been used for the benefit of all people of the province. In this time of new found wealth it is time to start re-investing a fair share in Labrador.

"For too long the people of Labrador have received too small a share of the benefits from the development of their resources,” said Michael.

Michael is delighted to visit Labrador West. "The NDP campaign is on the move in Labrador West and Darrel Brenton will be bringing the voice of the people of Labrador to the House of Assembly."-30-Media contact: Amanda Will, Communications, 739-6880 or 691-9232


On October 10th, don't give Dalton McGuinty a blank cheque

Election day is October 10th and your vote will make a difference.

Your vote for the New Democratic Party Candidate will help make sure Dalton McGuinty doesn’t get away with breaking more promises and ignoring what’s important to working families.

On Wednesday, October 10th, vote for the New Democratic Party to fight for a fair deal for YOU.

Need help or a ride? Call your local NDP campaign or
click here for campaign information.

Thanks for your support.

Howard HamptonLeader of Ontario's NDP

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Government must withdraw all Burmese investment

NDP calls for review of Canadian Pension Plan investments in Burma

OTTAWA - Canadian companies and public pension funds investing in Burma may have been complicit in propping up the military regime and the Canadian government has done nothing to stop it, according to NDP Foreign Affairs Critic, Paul Dewar (Ottawa Centre). The military generals running Burma have been in the spotlight in recent weeks due to their recent crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators.

“Canadians across the country have been waiting for the Conservative government to stand up for the human rights of those demonstrating in Burma,” said Dewar. “We’ve heard daily of monks and other protesters being arrested and now confirmed reports of hundreds being killed. The Harper government hasn’t taken any meaningful action for the brave advocates of human rights and democracy in Burma.”

Joined in a press conference by representatives from Canadian Friends of Burma, Rights and Democracy and the Canadian Labour Congress, Dewar demanded that the Canadian government take action to strengthen an international arms embargo. He also challenged the Conservatives to instruct the Canadian Pension Plan to come clean about their Burmese investments.

“Canadians don’t want to be complicit in supporting the military regime,” said Dewar. “We fully expect that Canadian companies operating throughout the world hold themselves to the highest standards of corporate social responsibility. How can the Canadian government speak out for human rights in Burma and then allow Canadian companies to undermine these efforts by co-operating with the generals?”

Dewar was also joined by Alex Bookbinder, a student at the University of British Columbia and the organizer of Facebook’s Global Action Day for Burma. The Facebook group started only two weeks ago now boasts a membership of over 280,000. “The response has been immense,” said Mr. Bookbinder. “It would be shame to see support for the movement die out. I’m committed to see that it doesn’t.”

Dewar has called on all Canadians to join in solidarity with the Burmese people during the October 6th Global Action Day for Burma.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Francis Chartrand, Francis Chartrand, Francis Chartrand... answers once for all !

By Anne Humphreys

By some time, if we are looking on Google for the name of the candidate of the New Democratic Party of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles, Francis Chartrand, we see the following results:

Francis Chartrand, député ? Petition
Francis Chartrand, député ? Petition, hosted at - 12k - En cache - Pages similaires

But here is the subject of this content. A petition on wishing to address the nomination of Francis Chartrand. The defamatory remarks from several men from the religious right content belligerent and petty, men unknown to the public with the sole intention to impose to web surfers, which are trying to find out from the candidate, lies the most grotesque, several friends, including myself. If we look further Francis Chartrand NDP, this is the result:

Francis Chartrand, député ? Petition
Francis Chartrand, député ? Petition, hosted at ... Anne Humphreys, nouvellement organisatrice et relationniste au NPD en Ontario. - 12k - En cache - Pages similaires

Here is the content of the petition translated from french.
To: Citizens of the North Shore
Did you know? Francis Chartrand was no other than a communist. Were you vote for him? Don't do it. This is dangerous for you and God. The flaw away from the Church of Christ and religion is communism. It is the anti paternalism. It's away from the right hand of the Father, it is not well. It combat family. Chartrand, Never!
Pierre Ovide, Christian.
In a moment, we thought dealing with a simple mixer or a leftist activist such as those found in many CÉGEPS the province. Until we can learn about their past extremely complex, its public relations to his personal relationships. That's where we realized that the impending return of a second cold war, if we can exaggerate, or a return of communism is well prepared if projects bellicose Mr. Francis Chartrand to be realized.
Most recently Mr. Chartrand had the audacity to stand in federal elections. Congratulations! He had one of the best results in the province, with more than 9% of the votes in his constituency. But why the NDP? Only he can answer. He identifies himself to be NDP now. Was not Democrat before? Was Nazi? Was Stalinist? And as has happened to his girlfriend? Mrs. Anne Humphreys, newly Relationship organizer and the NDP in Ontario. What some do not know, is that Ms. Humphreys, being of Irish descent, is loyal supporter of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) for nearly four years, when her husband joined agitators that some groups are called Socialists Cells. While some months ago, fall 2000, while Mr. Chartrand had another girlfriend, Veronique Claversier, he was preparing to join the Montreal cell of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) as it had done feet and hands with a demonstration of 150,000 people in Montreal against the intifada. Ms. Claversier now lives in France and actively alongside Bloc Identitaire, a marginal groop known for their extremist ideals. Both women, intellectual, and now, thanks to partisan extremist indoctrination wise to Chartrand.
For some time, Chartand militates with some youth people of Deux-Montagnes and St. Eustache with the aim of setting up a Student Association NDP in three high schools and two CÉGEPS for raw some youth people. These young people are between 14 and 18 years old. They are quite possibly less educated than can be Chartrand and can be manipulated and naive. The Front de Libération du Québec refers to the most radical extremists. That's why he recently took the pact with some new members of the FLQ back to combine English and French, all of the left in order to be able to radicalize the student world, they argue in whatever party, as much as they do in extremism.
That is why we can not tolerate once again his candidacy in the upcoming federal elections. Let it fails his inauguration. His place is not in Quebec politics.
Samuel Pagé
The Communism is known as productive assets and egalitarian distribution of consumer goods. The goal of communism is unrealistic, this doctrine has indeed objective disappearance of social classes and the expansion of its system to the world. The first country to have a communist regime is the USSR. Lenin was the driving force behind this change in the USSR, he encouraged the uprising in October 1917 against the Russian Tsars. He was the first communist leader to take power.
Following the Second World War, many countries have become Communists. It was especially neighboring countries of the Soviet Union such as Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia and Hungary. Later, in 1949, the Communist Party comes to power in China by Mao Zedong, and in 1959, Fidel Castro led the revolution in Cuba. Starting in the 80s, the communist regimes began to fall thereafter, in particular, because of popular uprisings. The symbol of the fall of communism in Europe is the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. But would you like that communism still exists?
For me, this calls into question another. How did the idea communist, who wants the happiness of mankind, successfully gave birth to totalitarian regimes that have made 100 million deaths worldwide? In my opinion, I admit that the basic idea of communism is good but it is impracticable. The worst is that communism can only work if everyone adheres. The politics of division can not function if there has in society groups who want to have more than others (and that's human nature) so that all communist regimes are repressive to become - vis the opposition and may not imposing their ideas because they know that if communism works requires that 100% of the people are lacking. So I would say that every communist regime eventually turn into a dictatorship, and history does not run.
The strengths of capitalism is that it has as an engine ambition of individuals which is more efficient than the liver in this "communist ideal." You can not change human nature. And then, why go from one extreme to another? There is not that communism and liberalism absolute. We may allow individual ambition in him merely putting terminals.
Finally, I still believe that communism, which is an attractive idea to begin with, turns and create a dictatorship which suppresses freedom of expression and freedom tout court. So I say no to communism. Let us not forget that it has killed millions of people, especially during the Stalinist purges of 1937 and then, look at the state of Russia and communist countries. It does not envy. Why not admit its failure?
Etienne Brûlé
Now explain the facts. Pierre Ovide, Christian - and he looks proud to mention it - said it was "dangerous for you and God" to vote for Francis Chartrand. It's all like arguments? As if God had said to Peter Ovide, Christian who to vote for and who to vote against, as if God was furious that Francis Chartrand presents itself in the elections because it is the left. I remind this "douchebag" Pierre Ovide, that the left and the right hand of the Father "is not the same. That is not to be confused. Fighting for families like Francis does, it's the "anti-paternalism" now. Over 5 years of militancy in the Liberal Party, it slams door for another party, and here it is a communist? The flaw away from the Church of Christ and religion, communism, as he says.
Now another author just as nasty and petty, but more dangerous.
One named Samuel Pagé, a citizen who said he was more concerned that Francis Chartrand rises in the polls in the region is rather as a fighter against socialist, trade unionist, and rejects everything that is political activism in the student world. What were you doing, O Samuel Pagé at the student strike of 2005? Were you walking with a shotgun, a shirt and a cap to shoot at close range on students and activists of the Student Federation of Quebec? Are we worse than that? Are we worse than bin Laden? Do you venerate Duplessis?
Yes, it may be close to us, because he has closely followed the career of Francis Chartrand, as well as mine. And yes, just like Francis, I worked for the NDP in Ontario, at the same time as him. But what't the deal with the Stalinist or Nazi? Francis has never shown any form of violence or aggression during a demonstration. And also I am not a member of the IRA when Samuel Pagé alluded.
Also, I would like to add that Francis and I have not been members in good standing or sympathizers, or even agitators of the so-called Socialist Cells, although they have existed and still exist elsewhere, but in France, not in Canada. He has not been approached by the PLO, or even been sympathetic to the PLO, although it is always sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. And what Véronique Claversier made in France, it's her business, and she is not a militant Bloc Identitaire. We never have been brain-washed by the "indoctrination of Chartrand wise" and we are not extremists.
The recruitment policy in the CÉGEPS and secondary schools, I want to emphasize, is perfectly legal and is practiced in respect of educational institutions. Political parties have used this recruitment since the student and youth forums are recognized by Elections Canada, and everything is done in the largest democracy. Francis wants to ensure that every student is well informed about the procedures to be followed and put into practice during the formation of a NDP Student Association.
An extract from above sentences saying by Samuel Pagé I am puzzled. "The Front de Libération du Québec refers to the most radical extremists. That's why he recently took the pact with some new members of the FLQ back to combine English and French, all left with the aim of the radicalize student world, they argue in whatever party, as long as they do so in extremism. " What is the FLQ have to do in there? Take the pact, not to the pact, whatever. The FLQ is dead and it won't came back soon. Let's remake his sentence. Making the pact with some new members of the FLQ back to combine English and French. Since when did the FLQ would go out with the English speakers? It has neither head nor tail. I look at the end of his sentence. "Whether campaigning in whatever party." Francis recruits not only for the NDP, period.
Although Samuel Pagé hopes Francis fails his inauguration, he should know the workings of democracy. It's done since Feb. 24. Too late, O Samuel.
As for Etienne Brûlé, in a tone much calmer and more diplomatic, it still speaks to us of the Berlin Wall. Believe it? Even he recalls the Gulag camps of the USSR and the Stalinist purges later in the chapter. Is he Ronald Reagan? The minute that we approach the Social Democrats, and it is the red menace. Same kind of fear campaign, when the Tories call Tommy Douglas a Bolshevik.
Although it is less extreme in his words and he does praise humanism and solidarity, and I thank Etienne Brûlé why, it seems to me, however cavalier approach to the definition of communism as ideals of Francis Chartrand, especially in a petition seeking the dirt. But the latter did not mention once Francis nor his candidacy for the NDP. As he been aware of this petition? In the drafting of the petition, was he the victim of a "copy and paste"? As he connections with the petition?
In conclusion, may I remind members as well as NDP supporters denouncing all campaign activities soiled wise policy. For dirt workers, we'll get who you are. Finally, you are free to sign, but it gives them credit, too. I encourage you more to see his biography on Wikipedia and join the NDP Association of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles, to

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Failed US style drug policy wrong direction for everyday Canadians - Thursday October 4, 2007

WINNIPEG, TORONTO AND SURREY – NDP Spokesperson for Drug Policy Libby Davies (Vancouver East), NDP Health Critic Judy Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North) and Public Safety Critic Penny Priddy (Surrey North) criticized the Conservatives for taking the wrong direction on their anti-drug strategy today.

“We need to combat the very real problem of youth gangs, violence and crack houses in our communities,” said Wasylycia-Leis. “But everyday Canadians know that simply criminalizing a public health problem is not the solution. We don’t need more advertising – we need to invest in harm reduction, education, treatment, and enforcement.”

“A heavy handed US style war-on-drugs only serves to create a culture of fear,” said Davies. “This so called drug strategy fails to address the very real needs in our communities. Experts and average Canadians alike agree that we need to invest in real, long-term solutions to drug use and the problems that result from serious substance abuse.”

The New Democrat MPs pointed out that the Conservative government has consistently failed to address the root problems of drug use in Canada or to invest sufficiently in real enforcement solutions.

“The Conservatives are not investing enough money where it’s needed to combat the very real problems of crime and public safety in our communities,” said Priddy. “Investing in adequate police resources allows the police more time both for enforcement work as well as for school and community outreach initiatives.”

The Conservatives showed their focus was on greater enforcement over treatment and prevention in its 2007 budget, when it removed harm reduction as a pillar of Canada’s Drug Strategy. Health Minister Tony Clement has also refused to commit to the requested three year extension to InSite, Vancouver’s safe injection site, despite the scientific findings that the program has reduced the transmission of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C, and increased by 30% the number of people accessing treatment.

“Empirical evidence has proven that treatment, prevention and harm reduction programs, that are community based and accessible to drug users, are key components in preventing drug use,” said Davies. “The government must acknowledge that these programs continue to produce positive social and economic results for working families in our communities.”

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


About Israel - Palestine

An important point about Israel-Palestine:

Beyond that he had the striking observation that since Israel signed on to the "road map" and thereby committed to dismantling "unauthorized" settlement outposts (i.e., the ones that are illegal under Israeli law) only nine houses have been removed. Meanwhile, he said that while just two percent of the Occupied Territories are actually under settlement control, a much larger swathe of the West Bank is now off-limits to Arabs, either because it's been set aside for further settlement expansion or else because it's part of the network of no-Arabs-allowed roads that connect the settlements, etc.
And, if you take a look at a map of the West Bank, you'll see that Israeli control extends up and down the actual west bank of the Jordan River -- nobody expects this control to be relaxed, so even if the rest of the West Bank were released, the Palestinians would be fundamentally at Israel's mercy.
This is a pretty elemental fact, but somehow we keep expecting the Palestinians to meekly accept this without resorting to violence. I wonder if we'd be so sanguine if the Americans seized our side of the St. Lawrence.


Anne Humphreys: Is Stephane Dion a leader?

I don't think Stephane Dion is much of leader. Depending how he responds to this debauchery, we'll see what kind of leader he is. Needless to say, more bad news for the Liberal party.

Stephane Dion's palace guard was under seige today by members of his own party who are calling on the Liberal leader to dismiss one of his closest aides over alleged remarks about Quebec.

Several MPs and senators from the province have been pleading privately for him to fire Jamie Carroll, the Liberals' national director and one of the key players in Dion's leadership victory.

They are now making their demands public.

Witnesses at a closed-door meeting this week say Carroll was dismissive when some Quebec Liberals suggested their leader's entourage needed more people who were bilingual and from the province.

According to witnesses, Carroll remarked that if he hired more Quebecers, then he'd have to hire more Chinese.


NDP calling for the release of US war resister Robin Long

TORONTO – Following the arrest of US war resister Robin Long yesterday in Nelson, B.C., NDP immigration critic Olivia Chow (Trinity-Spadina) and NDP MP Alex Atamanenko (British Columbia Southern Interior) are calling on the Harper government to reexamine their decision to deport Long and allow him to stay in Canada.

“Canada has always been a country that stands up for basic human rights. Conscientious objectors who have fled George W. Bush’s illegal war in Iraq should be allowed to stay,” said Chow.

“Two war resisters’ cases are currently before the Supreme Court of Canada,” pointed out Atamanenko. “No one should be arrested or deported before the Court has a chance to make a decision.”

Robin Long, from Boise, Idaho, received his orders in March 2005 and left for Canada the following June, believing the war in Iraq was illegal. He lives in Canada with his Canadian partner Renée and their young son. The Immigration and Refugee Board did not find his claims to be untruthful but ruled against his case and his deportation is imminent.

“Canada has always been a place of refuge for war resisters who refuse to fight in illegal wars,” noted Chow. “From Vietnam to now, Canada has a proud and distinguished history of putting justice first, and allowing people of conscience to seek refuge in our country. Canada has to release Mr. Long and allow him to stay in Canada.”

Chow noted that a recent poll taken in Ontario showed that almost two thirds of Ontarians believe that Canada should allow war resisters to stay in Canada.


Middle class incomes further behind since trade deal

OTTAWA – On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the negotiations of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, NDP International Trade Critic Peter Julian (Burnaby-New Westminster) presented his analysis of the new figures from Statistics Canada that show a drastic increase in income inequality for most Canadian families since 1989. The statistics show that Canada’s top earners are making more while most ordinary Canadians are seeing a decrease in actual earnings.

“Canadian families have seen a regular erosion of their income. This is further evidence that the Conservatives’ misguided economic policies will only accelerate the widening of the income gap that was created by past Liberal governments,” said Julian. “Even when taxes and government transfers are taken into account, most Canadian families are poorer than in 1989.”

The top income category is earning on average $20,000 more than they did in 1989 after accounting for inflation. Most other Canadians have lost income. In fact, Canadian households earning below $60,400 have seen a decrease in their average earnings, before tax and federal transfers to families.

Overall households representing 60% of incomes experienced a decrease in their income share in 2005 as compared to 1989. Statistics reveal that income share after transfers for the richest 20% of Canadians has been continuously increasing to the point where they take nearly 50% of all income.

“Canadian families are worse off today than they were before Free Trade agreements were implemented in 1989,” said Julian. “Today, more and more Canadians have to work harder without being able to keep up. We have seen 250,000 good manufacturing jobs lost and increasing hardships in our softwood lumber community.”

Julian said Canadians need a government that has the vision and courage to implement an agenda for shared and sustainable prosperity, which would include a higher minimum wage, affordable housing, a national pharmacare drug plan, a publicly-funded child care system and accessible post secondary education.

Statistics Canada reports a 48% overall increase in the number of Canadians working overtime since 1991. The amount of overtime hours being worked by Canadians has increased by 22% since 1991. This comes at a time when Canadian households also increasingly have to cope with steep debt: the household debt to disposable income ratio reached 126.77% in 2006, an increase of 37% over the same period.

“Canadians are working longer and harder and are barely able to catch up to their debts and mortgages,” said Julian. “Only the NDP is standing up for today’s families.”

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