By Anne Humphreys By some time, if we are looking on Google for the name of the candidate of the New Democratic Party of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles, Francis Chartrand, we see the following results:
Francis Chartrand, député ? PetitionFrancis Chartrand, député ? Petition, hosted at - 12k - En cache - Pages similairesBut here is the subject of this content. A petition on wishing to address the nomination of Francis Chartrand. The defamatory remarks from several men from the religious right content belligerent and petty, men unknown to the public with the sole intention to impose to web surfers, which are trying to find out from the candidate, lies the most grotesque, several friends, including myself. If we look further Francis Chartrand NDP, this is the result:
Here is the content of the petition translated from french.
To: Citizens of the North Shore
Did you know? Francis Chartrand was no other than a communist. Were you vote for him? Don't do it. This is dangerous for you and God. The flaw away from the Church of Christ and religion is communism. It is the anti paternalism. It's away from the right hand of the Father, it is not well. It combat family. Chartrand, Never!
Pierre Ovide, Christian.
In a moment, we thought dealing with a simple mixer or a leftist activist such as those found in many CÉGEPS the province. Until we can learn about their past extremely complex, its public relations to his personal relationships. That's where we realized that the impending return of a second cold war, if we can exaggerate, or a return of communism is well prepared if projects bellicose Mr. Francis Chartrand to be realized.
Most recently Mr. Chartrand had the audacity to stand in federal elections. Congratulations! He had one of the best results in the province, with more than 9% of the votes in his constituency. But why the NDP? Only he can answer. He identifies himself to be NDP now. Was not Democrat before? Was Nazi? Was Stalinist? And as has happened to his girlfriend? Mrs. Anne Humphreys, newly Relationship organizer and the NDP in Ontario. What some do not know, is that Ms. Humphreys, being of Irish descent, is loyal supporter of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) for nearly four years, when her husband joined agitators that some groups are called Socialists Cells. While some months ago, fall 2000, while Mr. Chartrand had another girlfriend, Veronique Claversier, he was preparing to join the Montreal cell of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) as it had done feet and hands with a demonstration of 150,000 people in Montreal against the intifada. Ms. Claversier now lives in France and actively alongside Bloc Identitaire, a marginal groop known for their extremist ideals. Both women, intellectual, and now, thanks to partisan extremist indoctrination wise to Chartrand.
For some time, Chartand militates with some youth people of Deux-Montagnes and St. Eustache with the aim of setting up a Student Association NDP in three high schools and two CÉGEPS for raw some youth people. These young people are between 14 and 18 years old. They are quite possibly less educated than can be Chartrand and can be manipulated and naive. The Front de Libération du Québec refers to the most radical extremists. That's why he recently took the pact with some new members of the FLQ back to combine English and French, all of the left in order to be able to radicalize the student world, they argue in whatever party, as much as they do in extremism.
That is why we can not tolerate once again his candidacy in the upcoming federal elections. Let it fails his inauguration. His place is not in Quebec politics.
Samuel Pagé
The Communism is known as productive assets and egalitarian distribution of consumer goods. The goal of communism is unrealistic, this doctrine has indeed objective disappearance of social classes and the expansion of its system to the world. The first country to have a communist regime is the USSR. Lenin was the driving force behind this change in the USSR, he encouraged the uprising in October 1917 against the Russian Tsars. He was the first communist leader to take power.
Following the Second World War, many countries have become Communists. It was especially neighboring countries of the Soviet Union such as Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia and Hungary. Later, in 1949, the Communist Party comes to power in China by Mao Zedong, and in 1959, Fidel Castro led the revolution in Cuba. Starting in the 80s, the communist regimes began to fall thereafter, in particular, because of popular uprisings. The symbol of the fall of communism in Europe is the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. But would you like that communism still exists?
For me, this calls into question another. How did the idea communist, who wants the happiness of mankind, successfully gave birth to totalitarian regimes that have made 100 million deaths worldwide? In my opinion, I admit that the basic idea of communism is good but it is impracticable. The worst is that communism can only work if everyone adheres. The politics of division can not function if there has in society groups who want to have more than others (and that's human nature) so that all communist regimes are repressive to become - vis the opposition and may not imposing their ideas because they know that if communism works requires that 100% of the people are lacking. So I would say that every communist regime eventually turn into a dictatorship, and history does not run.
The strengths of capitalism is that it has as an engine ambition of individuals which is more efficient than the liver in this "communist ideal." You can not change human nature. And then, why go from one extreme to another? There is not that communism and liberalism absolute. We may allow individual ambition in him merely putting terminals.
Finally, I still believe that communism, which is an attractive idea to begin with, turns and create a dictatorship which suppresses freedom of expression and freedom tout court. So I say no to communism. Let us not forget that it has killed millions of people, especially during the Stalinist purges of 1937 and then, look at the state of Russia and communist countries. It does not envy. Why not admit its failure?
Etienne Brûlé
Now explain the facts. Pierre Ovide, Christian - and he looks proud to mention it - said it was "dangerous for you and God" to vote for Francis Chartrand. It's all like arguments? As if God had said to Peter Ovide, Christian who to vote for and who to vote against, as if God was furious that Francis Chartrand presents itself in the elections because it is the left. I remind this "douchebag" Pierre Ovide, that the left and the right hand of the Father "is not the same. That is not to be confused. Fighting for families like Francis does, it's the "anti-paternalism" now. Over 5 years of militancy in the Liberal Party, it slams door for another party, and here it is a communist? The flaw away from the Church of Christ and religion, communism, as he says.
Now another author just as nasty and petty, but more dangerous.
One named Samuel Pagé, a citizen who said he was more concerned that Francis Chartrand rises in the polls in the region is rather as a fighter against socialist, trade unionist, and rejects everything that is political activism in the student world. What were you doing, O Samuel Pagé at the student strike of 2005? Were you walking with a shotgun, a shirt and a cap to shoot at close range on students and activists of the Student Federation of Quebec? Are we worse than that? Are we worse than bin Laden? Do you venerate Duplessis?
Yes, it may be close to us, because he has closely followed the career of Francis Chartrand, as well as mine. And yes, just like Francis, I worked for the NDP in Ontario, at the same time as him. But what't the deal with the Stalinist or Nazi? Francis has never shown any form of violence or aggression during a demonstration. And also I am not a member of the IRA when Samuel Pagé alluded.
Also, I would like to add that Francis and I have not been members in good standing or sympathizers, or even agitators of the so-called Socialist Cells, although they have existed and still exist elsewhere, but in France, not in Canada. He has not been approached by the PLO, or even been sympathetic to the PLO, although it is always sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. And what Véronique Claversier made in France, it's her business, and she is not a militant Bloc Identitaire. We never have been brain-washed by the "indoctrination of Chartrand wise" and we are not extremists.
The recruitment policy in the CÉGEPS and secondary schools, I want to emphasize, is perfectly legal and is practiced in respect of educational institutions. Political parties have used this recruitment since the student and youth forums are recognized by Elections Canada, and everything is done in the largest democracy. Francis wants to ensure that every student is well informed about the procedures to be followed and put into practice during the formation of a NDP Student Association.
An extract from above sentences saying by Samuel Pagé I am puzzled. "The Front de Libération du Québec refers to the most radical extremists. That's why he recently took the pact with some new members of the FLQ back to combine English and French, all left with the aim of the radicalize student world, they argue in whatever party, as long as they do so in extremism. " What is the FLQ have to do in there? Take the pact, not to the pact, whatever. The FLQ is dead and it won't came back soon. Let's remake his sentence. Making the pact with some new members of the FLQ back to combine English and French. Since when did the FLQ would go out with the English speakers? It has neither head nor tail. I look at the end of his sentence. "Whether campaigning in whatever party." Francis recruits not only for the NDP, period.
Although Samuel Pagé hopes Francis fails his inauguration, he should know the workings of democracy. It's done since Feb. 24. Too late, O Samuel.
As for Etienne Brûlé, in a tone much calmer and more diplomatic, it still speaks to us of the Berlin Wall. Believe it? Even he recalls the Gulag camps of the USSR and the Stalinist purges later in the chapter. Is he Ronald Reagan? The minute that we approach the Social Democrats, and it is the red menace. Same kind of fear campaign, when the Tories call Tommy Douglas a Bolshevik.
Although it is less extreme in his words and he does praise humanism and solidarity, and I thank Etienne Brûlé why, it seems to me, however cavalier approach to the definition of communism as ideals of Francis Chartrand, especially in a petition seeking the dirt. But the latter did not mention once Francis nor his candidacy for the NDP. As he been aware of this petition? In the drafting of the petition, was he the victim of a "copy and paste"? As he connections with the petition?
In conclusion, may I remind members as well as NDP supporters denouncing all campaign activities soiled wise policy. For dirt workers, we'll get who you are. Finally, you are free to sign, but it gives them credit, too. I encourage you more to see his biography on Wikipedia and join the NDP Association of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles, to
# posted by Francis Chartrand @ 1:42 AM