Friday, April 13, 2007


Elizabeth May and the Green Party show their true colors!

Merry Christmas NDP supporters you have been given an early christmas present by having Elizabeth May corrupting democratic elections with the Liberals. To think that Elizabeth May would allow Stephane Dion who blew numerous opportunities to get Canada on track to meet Kyoto to run unapposed shows that the green party is being led down a road full of compromises and failures. The Liberals couldn't get it done when they had the chance and now they have agreed to work together to help themselves get elected. The gift for the NDP here is that this could finally define for voters where the Greens stand on the enviroment and show that real change won't happen if you vote green.
For all those Green party supporters out their may I ask do you support Elizabeth May cooperating with the Liberals? It has been said that Stephane Dion share a great deal of common ground with Elizabeth May on the environment and it has been often argued that green party policy is closer to the center where the liberals have operated for many years. It will be interesting to see how the spinsters from the Liberals and Greens will try to play this up in the media because I think this is a bad piece of policy for the greens and I am sure that Elizabeth May made this decision with little consultation.
So in closing I would ask what you think about the greens working with the Liberals to get elected?

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