Monday, November 24, 2008


Make the capital of Denmark international freedom of expression by Naser Khader, Danish Muslim MP

Khader participated in the founding of a new international body against Islamism. It also wants to make Denmark a center of the struggle for freedom of expression, which the country is de facto through the defense of caricatures of Muhammad. He works to organize the first conference on freedom of expression on the model of the world conference on climate change. A Copenhagen Declaration will be drafted. He also believes that the battle for the United Nations is lost, and advocates a new organization dedicated solely to truly democratic country.

Naser Khader, a Danish citizen of Syrian origin, is the founder of Muslim Democrats of Denmark. He is a member of the Danish Parliament and leader of the Liberal Alliance. In 2006, he received the Prize for Freedom of Expression Award by the Jyllandsposten (the Danish newspaper that published caricatures of Muhammad). In 2007, he received the International Prize Committee Laïcity Republic, France.


An international freedom of expression, translation adbouz an interview published in Danish on 3 October 2008 on the site gathered at the site North Africa.

Naser Khader is struggling to position themselves in the Danish political landscape. Maybe he will do better as a champion of Islam with a human face? Khader participated in the founding of a new international body against Islamism, and he wants to make Denmark a center of freedom of expression.

There are many unknowns about the new organization. How will she be called, a member etc ... Khader is still skeptical.

He is a British businessman who financed the philanthropic work. Recently, they met in a French chateau wine to discuss. They agreed to put aside differences and concentrate on one thing: stopping the spread of radical Islam.

"We're too fixed on the fight against bin Laden, extremists and terrorists, but they are only the tip of the iceberg. The real battle is about values, and the Islamists are gaining influence around the world. We have had discussions about who is really able to fight against Islamism, is that the West and Muslims themselves? With regard to Muslim terrorism weapons and force the West are necessary, but in relation to the fight against Islamism in general, moderate Muslims must undertake. "

"We also discussed the issue of the publication. When a moderate Muslim wrote a book, write Islamists ten pounds. They have publishing houses, they have money and they are also more or less agree, while moderates may be able to agree to fight against Islamism, but from different Political divided. Some believe that the solution is to leave Islam, but my position is that we should be in and fight against it. It does not convince many moderate Muslims in the fight against Islamism in dealing Muhammad of pedophile, calling for the banning of the Koran and so on. It's good to have this position, but I do not think it works, when it aims to convince a change of behavior. We had a discussion on this subject, but we unanimously concluded that Islam is racism. Some will object that it has nothing to do with race, but the fact is that racism in the way that word is used today, is based more on lifestyle and attitudes on race. This is racism of our era, the Islamists themselves as better people than others. The rest of humanity must go to hell".

Khader was more afraid of Saudi Arabia to Iran. He said the Saudis with their money buying everything and everyone. For example, a U.S. documentary on PBS that contributed to Khader, was stopped: Saudi Arabia is a board member who was arrested. According Naser Khader, the West did not understand where the real danger in the struggle for peace and civilization.

"Yes, Iran is dangerous and we must do our utmost to prevent them from getting a nuclear bomb, but Iran is wind compared to Saudi Arabia. I see Saudi Arabia as the country that represents the greatest threat to world peace. The ambition of Iran is to become a regional superpower, but the Saudis have global ambitions and buying influence in the world, "he said, and mentioned the issue of reporting the American journalist Martyn Burke on the internal confrontation between moderate and extremist Muslims. Khader has himself contributed, as the late Danish imam Abu Laban, in the issue, the case of the Muhammad and crisis that followed."

"Martyn Burke is a journalist known to the public channel PBS, but even if it is used there, we said 'no' to spread the story. Why? Because in the board of PBS headquarters a Saudi who has vetoed."

"The Saudis are buying influence in the media, football and stock funds, and with regard to Denmark and freedom of expression meeting held in Saudi Arabia in December 2005 on the cartoons Muhammad, is important for me. They told the meeting that now more important for Muslims is to address freedom of expression, because freedom is used to criticize Islam and Muslims. The Saudis and Egyptians came out to tell the Muslim masses "calm, we bring this matter to the UN." That is why I see Durban II as a continuation of the cartoon row." Here, Khader sees some interesting correlations. States and fundamentalist Muslim movements detected through the power of cartoons freedom of expression. They want to end it by all means. Therefore, one of the guidelines of the Conference of Islamic States is to make Islamophobia a crime, and transform the UN into an organization that will protect Islam."

Durban II is a milestone. Khader think that Denmark should become a center of the struggle for freedom of expression, which the country is de facto through the defense of the cartoons.

Khader wants Denmark organizes every two years a global conference on freedom of expression. He would like the first will take place in parallel with Durban II, in the spring.

"My ambition is to make Denmark the country of freedom of expression, and we are now working to organize a conference on freedom of expression in Copenhagen every two years on the model of Bjørn Lomborg of the conference Copenhagen on climate change. Here we will meet, to review the fight, measure what we have come and write a statement in Copenhagen. The aim is to encourage moderate Muslims around the world."

Naser Khader hopes that the first conference to be held in parallel with the UN conference on racism in Durban II in April of next year, where many Muslim countries and their body OIC will try to prohibition criticism of religion, such as Islam and blasphemy. Only then will the participants will appear openly.

"I have presented the idea and are excited about the idea that the conference will be held in Copenhagen. We will first hold a meeting for ourselves and the day following a public meeting. This does not please the Saudis, it does not bother us, it will be a source of pride. Denmark is a very big star among the freedom fighters. They follow what is happening in Denmark, and when I met the group, they were almost as much aware about what is happening in Denmark as I am here. What we are saying and doing is quickly known to the outside, whether it concerns the fight against Islamism and freedoms."

Khader believes that the battle for the United Nations is lost. He believes that democratic countries should come together to create a new organization. He wants a new UN, where countries can join only if they meet certain basic conditions, the secrecy of the vote, free elections, freedom of expression, association and religion.

"In fact, I wrote a column in 2000 on this point of view, and I was very unpopular among the radical left - you know, all those who speak of dialogue and living together - but I just returned from Geneva to prepare for Durban II, and there is no dialogue. Muslim countries are arcs and alliance against democratic countries. I spoke at the NGO, but I also attended the party official, and the first who spoke, was the representative of Saudi Arabia, who congratulated Sudan for the African nation's most progressive Where women have equal rights and that it is a myth that people are killed. And they have filled the halls of local full of signs, billboards show that Sudanese women use computers. It is absolutely ridiculous."

What will happen to the current United Nations?

"Dictators can continue all alone."

What about China?

"It can not be part of a new United Nations if it is not democratic. It is China which has blocked the aid that we wanted to bring refugees from Darfur, and they sit and oppose vetoes when it comes to human rights".

What will happen to the peace objective of the UN? does not abandon it, if there is a discussion forum common?

"It's a myth that there are talks and dialogue. Durban II is a good example. And now, I'd say go get buggered with this dialogue, go fuck yourself. There is no dialogue."

"The totalitarian use the United Nations to send their families in New York and Geneva and give them good jobs for which they are not qualified."

Translation: adbouz


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