Monday, November 23, 2009


Subsequently, by Tania Tokarski

Well this week I still feel like venting so let them, because it makes me feel good. The subject this time is love.

Love. * sigh * It's so beautiful. We made songs, in fact poems (which is just the same as in the songs, there's poetry. D'uh!)

It also makes many other things, books, soap operas, we found in adventure movies. Besides, I do not know if Leonardo himself who said "A life without love is no life." Ouch! If we are not desired, hello suicide. That said, I know friends who lack love to wreak havoc in their lives. I will elaborate in the following paragraph.

Me, my life has not been easy, but as I discovered, we can say the same for the life of most people. My main problem with me was my integration in schools. In kindergarten, I was a child sociable but shy. I liked being with other children, but I'd probably not good technique for approaching.

This has lasted throughout my high school, with its complications. A person in misery to make friends will be alone, only she is more vulnerable. Then teens attack vulnerable children. All my high school I was ridiculed. I was afraid to go to school, food was thrown at me, and when I defended myself and get angry, it made things worse, I looked ridiculous to carry me all in stuttering against several teenagers agile lips. Result: I fell back on myself. I was afraid to say my word. I was afraid of being noticed.

In life, I came to believe that I would never have friends, probably being socially incompetent in a world that does not want me. That thought changed when I had known love. Someone noticed me. A friend first, made in secondary 2. She loved video games, too.

Then, a boy who I like a lot and who liked me too, secretly, over time. Love, its acquisition and research have always thrilled me something. And that's what keeps me busy. But it has not been the same for everyone.

My other friend, I will not name names here, had a life, perhaps even harder than mine. Unwanted child, he sought love and approval of his father.

In vain. This has caused havoc on his approach to love. The love he sought and which caused so much harm by its absence has made him a being who has learned to live without. They say we can not give what we do not have. Well, despite her efforts, his girlfriend has not got what she was willing to give.

She had heard that the evils of the heart could be healed through the intervention of another. By the love that somebody give and receive. Knowing that love had done good for her self esteem, this girl tried to give and to receive from her friend. But in vain.

However, she remained confident managing to open a small window that another (or herself) can try again to heal this young man one day when he would be ready. Let's hope that he will accept to trust this person and that does not destroy him.

Tania Tokarski


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