Tuesday, May 31, 2011
An unhealthy climate, by Richard Martineau
Richard Martineau
11/01/2011 06h36
We would think that with the election of Barack Obama, U.S. Republicans have learned their lesson and changed the disk.
They have stopped supplying the paranoid ravings of the extremists that plague their ranks to provide a more intelligent discourse, speaking more to reason than emotion.
But no.
If anything, it's even worse than before.
An irresponsible speech
As I write these lines, it is not known yet whether the shooting that left six dead in Arizona on Saturday (and which nearly cost the life of the Parliamentary Democratic Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head) was a political gesture.
But one thing is certain: the aggressive and provocative speeches of some figures of the Republican Party has certainly not helped to calm the weak and impressionable.
On the contrary.
Publish, as did Sarah Palin last year, a map of the United States "targeting" twenty Democrats who had the misfortune to support reform of the health system (showing the politicians as they were in the line of fire of a killer) is not only unworthy of a woman who sought the presidency, but it is totally irresponsible.
It's fine, use war metaphors to talk about politics (everyone has done since Sun Tzu and Machiavelli, so that it is quite a cliché), but past a certain point it becomes dangerous.
Piss vinegar
The Republicans have they nothing but rage and anger about the American people?
We can think what you want about the current president. Find it fails to deliver the goods or believe that its economic program is "anti-American" because too interventionist. But like it or not, we must recognize a high quality to Obama: the man is intelligent.
When he speaks to citizens, it does not attempt to exploit fears, their fears and frustrations, it is aimed at their head, he invited them to participate in a debate of ideas, discuss, share.
What do the Republicans, themselves?
They pour vinegar on the wounds of the left-pourcompte system hoping that it will raise the curtains.
It is the degree zero of political discourse.
We adopt this kind of strategy when it no longer has any new idea to propose, when you find yourself short of arguments to convince anyone.
Lessons learned
After decades of "constitutionality" acute, we are witnessing the return of the debate "left-right" in Quebec.
Good. It was time.
But I hope the level of discussion will never fall as low as one must endure our neighbors to the south for twenty years.
A vigorous debate, yes. Discussions tough, I hope so. After all, a good spat has never hurt anyone. But I do not see what would benefit our society to see our politicians, our commentators and our activists are rolling in the mud, hurling insults.
And feed the frustration of the people by carrying conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated rumors.
A wish
When is a Republican candidate who will raise the level of debate and revive the glorious history of the party of Abraham Lincoln?
Labels: Richard Martineau
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