Thursday, May 22, 2008


Bouchard-Taylor to Quebecers: CRUSH YOU!

Source on that link: .
It was with amazement and great sadness that I read this text which speaks about the possible conclusions of the commission Bouchard-Taylor on accomodements reasonable. While the problem is clear and recognized by all (ie that immigrants are unable to integrate and reject our culture, while wishing privileges because of their religion) Bouchard-Taylor commission, headed by what is now called traitors two of the worst kind, it takes Quebecers! No, excuse me, not the Quebecer, a people who no longer exists, but the French-speaking Quebecers, the majority becoming a minority, and who is already in Montreal, in this large and stinking ghetto multicultural. (One often goes with the other, unfortunately… and this experience that I write).
So, according to the commission of our two losers, Jews, Muslims and others have nothing to reproach. They can go above the laws, not to oust their homes because of religious principles, be givrer windows so as not to see the bodies of young women, or not to give tickets because of their religious festivals. No, this is not their fault. It is OUR fault, we Quebecers poor colonized too stupid to have understood that our law is inferior to their religious practices. We would be affected by lack of information and false perceptions.
And instead emphasize the decline in french and explain that the refusal to integrate immigrants is a cause more important, the commission hopes to accelerate our assimilation we anglicisant more. Instead emphasize that the problem is too large presence of English in Montreal, she prefers that we learn more English. Then it will be what? It will become Muslims and Jews to have the same privileges as those religious fanatics delayed?
It asks us to be even more open to the world. No, it's damn it. We are the people more open to the world, and that is an immigrant who told me that. We speak English as soon as we crossed one. We try to speak Spanish as well. We put the rastas smoke and firecrackers with Jamaicans. We try Creole food. We are so open to the world that we have more awareness of our culture. We are uprooted, and we are asked to be even more.
The commission is a real scandal, a farce, a fucking joke as saying all fucking old english bitches of the west of Montreal who hate everything that is French.
With such recommendations, the result is easily predictable. In fifty years the french minority will not only Montreal but also in the suburbs. The french will be a dead language, as the latin, and Quebecers speak fluent English has since devoted this language as the only one that is common to all. Instead franciser immigrants when it was time, they have allowed us the opportunity angliciser, we assimilate, and what was a day the representatives of our culture are no longer a gelatinous ramassis of poutine folk we invite to France a little like inviting Zachary Richard in Quebec: an ancestor, a still-living dead and a culture that survives only on artificial respirator.
That's "openness to the world." That's more reasonable accomodements. And that's bilingualism, the number one enemy of our culture and the main cause of decline in french.
Personally, if you asked me tonight if I think the people of Quebec deserves to be saved, maybe I want to say "die, you do not survive merits, colonized people of dish cloth. "
David, when you can hallucinate several…, instead sees all this as a playground where is the new applying its rules:
[...] Messrs. Bouchard and Taylor were appointed supervisors of the court and playground will soon make their account of the situation. Either nicer with the new in your class, leaves do what he wants is his case. I have the impression that the specter of censorship prowls around. Individualism is perhaps good for the economy, but it's very bad for a company.
Yes, we are in a big on school, and instead take the new kid and teach him to respect the rules, we are asking all the other kids to bow to his will.
With such a mentality of losers, how can we still surprised that Quebec has a suicide rate?
On the day we will be really proud of us, our culture, where we refuse to speak English or even to accept that anyone imposes on us its language or its values will be a great day not only for us, because it will confirm our right to exist, but also for democracy. The dictatorship of a minority of anglophiles hiding under the guise of bilingualism and multiculturalism is a shame for all of Quebec.
Yes we are tolerant, yes we are open. We love our immigrants and our integrated English Anglicized. We want Parking remains a French-speaking city and we hope that English speakers understand that they are not welcome among us.
p.s. Faced with such a new, one can already imagine the bulk of settlers Angryfrenchguy a train to dance and celebrate our anglicization prelude to our demise. Bravo idiots; thanks to your work anglicization of Quebecers, you are contributing to our loss and apply the letter and the conclusions of the Bouchard-Taylor Commission.

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