Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The dubious friends of the NDP, by Anne Humphreys

Have you heard of the candidate of the New Democratic Party of Canada in the riding of Bourassa, on the island of Montreal?

Maybe yes, because it was the subject of several articles in the press. Indeed, columnist Lysiane Gagnon is not in the lace Ms. Laoun.

But what you might not know is that the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), an Islamist-minded say ... particular, has already had as vice-president Mrs Laoun! Here are some facts arms Canadian Islamic Congress and Ms. Laoun.

When the controversy surrounding the veil at the time to vote in an election, Ms. Laoun said: "For me, this bill of Quebec, one is political recovery, two, it is a editing, it's controversial, therefore joins political recovery, and three of Islamophobia is because Muslim women who never wear the niqab has never requested." (Téléjournal / Le Point de Radio-Canada, 27 October 2007)

When the controversy over Hérouxville, the ICC has threatened to continue the city if it does not reviewing his famous Charter of reasonable accommodations (Le Soleil, 6 February 2006). Hérouxville is certainly went a little hard, but I defy anyone to tell me what the code of life violated a fundamental right!

ICC considers Hezbollah as a simple resistance group, while this terrorist organization is responsible for pluisieurs attacks against civilians. (Marc Nadeau, blog silent majority in the new, 28 August 2006)

The ICC has made 2006 a list of personalities anti when the name of the president of another Muslim organization included: Tariq Fateh ... who founded his own body to denounce the Muslim fundamentalist imams of several Canadian! (La Presse, 6 August 2006)

A spokesman for the ICC was "happy" not to recognize friends in the list of 17 people arrested on terrorism charges in Toronto. (La Presse, 4 June 2006)

The ICC has called for "boycott" of provincial and federal Liberals when the Ontario government has denied that Islamic law (Sharia) applies to family disputes between Muslims. (Canadian Press, 26 September 2005). Tariq Fateh, the moderately while ago, was found when had interviewed on the subject, that the ICC was "ridiculous"!

The chairman of the ICC considers the head of the Shiite militia in Najaf (Iraq) Moqtada Al-Sadr compares to Joan of Arc. Here is what was said Mohamed Elmasry, the big boss of the ICC: "Listening to mention the young religious leader to his supporters or the media, one can not help but believe that this young man is telling the truth-liberation, peace and justice for his people is his deepest desire. As Jeanne d'Arc, Moqtada Al-Sadr is a soldier and a saint." Note that Salam Elmenyawi, a moderate leader of the community, a giggle and heard that comparison. (La Presse, 19 August 2004)

The ICC has defended the visit to Canada of a radical Sunni imam from Saudi Arabia, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudayyis. To note the curiosity that ultimately he was not allowed to return. (La Presse, 15 May 2004)

Of course, the ICC also participated in various demonstrations in which he saw as an entirely legitimate use by Palestinian suicide bombers against Israeli civilians. (Le Droit, 22 April 2002)

The ICC objected in 2001 to various amendments to the Income Tax Act to crack down against the organizations funding terrorism. (Canadian Press, 29 May 2001)

Let's clarify something: I want to believe that Ms. Laoun is not responsible for all stupidities of the ICC. But if it does not share any of the views mentioned above, she says!

I also want to show you some excerpts of the National Post last Friday, in which the columnist Barbara Kay stake is disturbing facts:

Yvonne Ridley is a victim of Stockholm syndrome who became a radical Islam after his capture in Afghanistan. She has already defended the leader of the Chechen rebels behind the hostage taking in Beslan that killed dozens of children, and in the evening of CIC which she participated, she defended the Taliban regime, attacked the West and promoted the fight Hezbollah.

And it is also a fucking crazy one, but a nasty fucking wild one.

A final extract at least interesting:

Further reading: an excellent site on the tipping point Canada on the NDP and Samira Laouni. Please move from one section to another, and be sure to deepen the subject of the Canadian Islamic Congress with the text.

I will entrust you something: I have nothing against the fact that Ms. Laoun arise, especially since his chances of being elected are slim that a fence niqab. But the public has a right to ask questions about his candidacy and the doubtful it maintains links with Islamic political thought problem! When people will vote for Bourassa in a month, they deserve to know any political opinions that which represents the NDP in their constituency.

I conclude by addressing members of the NDP in the riding of Bourassa: Here is a personalized sign for your riding association ... to you to refute.

Me, when I see and hear people claim to defend my female dignity by spiting on me and treating me as shameless fornication because I lost my virginity since I'm 14 years old, and when Francis is told on the radio because he has "listened Blue Night" in the 90s, it made him a "pervert boy, rapist and unscrupulous", believe me, we want to fucking fight.

Anne Humphreys

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