Thursday, November 27, 2008


Canada - For the Human Rights Commission of Alberta, white Christians have no "human rights"

On his blog, Ezra Levant, specializing in issues affecting freedom of expression and ardent critic inconsistent decisions of human rights commissions in Canada, tells of a decision in 2003 by the Committee on Human Rights l Alberta.

That decision followed a complaint of "hate speech" brought by a citizen regarding a band called Deicide one of the songs on an album available in stores called: Kill the Christian (Kill Christians).

This citizen had also bought a CD by a band called Type O Negative containing a song titled Kill All the White People (kill all whites). The lyrics urged white genocide, "and then we will be free."

As Christian Caucasian, the plaintiff complained of incitement to hatred, contempt and violence against white Christians. The Commission rejected the complaint, citing among other things:

"... Although the content and tone of communications appear on their face as discriminatory, the group is not a vulnerable group. The terms are not used to strengthen existing stereotypes and the message is not a point of issues largely in the public discourse ... "

Let us not forget, however, that the Canadian Human Rights Commission condemned a staff manager for about white openly racist. He welcomed its staff by saying: "I like visible minorities".


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