Monday, December 28, 2009


The Holocaust and the masculinist, by Richard Martineau

Richard Martineau
Journal de Montréal
09/12/2009 06h52

Last Sunday, I told you that I do not understand why some groups of men portray Marc Lepine as a poor victim of evil feminists.

"That masculinist groups campaigning to get more grants to help people in distress is something I wrote. But to pity the fate of a lunatic who killed 14 women, there is a margin.

"The men can go do they not realize they shooting themselves in the foot by taking such a speech? They completely discredit their cause?"


This column brought me a nice email the group L'Après-rupture :

"Mr. Martineau, the team of L'Après-rupture like to thank you for your review. In most of us know, you send our message widely Inconvenient received ideas, thinking only about Polytechnique.

"Marc Lepine is a monster created by the radical feminist movement, a monster that this movement has recovered to better enrich themselves with money from citizens. We hope that before long, you can write on charges relating to possible criminal activities of certain feminist organizations ..."

You find this point of view twisted? Wait, you have not read anything ...


In the male domination, a documentary on radical masculinist Quebec filmed by Belgian director Jean Patrick, we say things even more twisted:

"Quebec is the opposite of the Taliban. The Taliban was the oppression against women. The Quebec, oppression against men ... "

"Feminism is a crime against humanity ..."

"We saw just as in Nazi Germany. And this is no more subtle than in Nazi Germany ..."

Well yes, my friends, men living in Quebec the same ordeal combined experience of European Jews in the 1940s.

This is EXACTLY the same!

Hordes of women dressed in pink patrol the streets of Limoilou and set fire to the tavern, they organize raids in Cages aux sports in the province, forcing men to wear a small brown penis in their buttonholes and send them to end their days in sexual reeducation camps run by bloodthirsty lesbians who make necklaces testicles and handbags scrotal skin.


And just like Afghanistan under the Taliban, Quebec males are not allowed to attend school, can not go out into the street without being accompanied by their mother or their sister and are stoned 's they do not wear a hood in midsummer.

One wonders why American GIs do not organize a landing at Dolbeau to free us!


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