Sunday, January 03, 2010


Polytechnique in our heads, by Richard Martineau

Richard Martineau
Journal de Montréal
06/12/2009 07h20

Each year, the same thing. The more we approach the fateful date of December 6, the more masculinist radical groups are excited on the Internet.

They are like vampires who feel dawn the first glimmerings of dawn. They scream, spit, to convulse as if they threw the holy water.


The worst of the strip, the more hysterical, the most worrisome are members of the group L'Après-rupture.

"The major organs begin feminist victimizers motion to mark the 20th anniversary of the Polytechnique tragedy, they wrote this week. Sad recovery based on emotions, melodramatic statements included in chorus by the media who prefer to serious analysis shows, impartial.

"Polytechnic, deplorable recovery by feminist organizations who must maintain their propaganda to ensure the payment of annual profit grants.

"Nobody asks the question: why Marc Lépine posed such a gesture? The answer is very simple. Lepine lived burgeoning feminism that demonizes men ..."

In short, if Lepine showed up at Polytechnique and shot 14 women, it is because of bad feminists.

This message would be laughable if it were not so disgusting ...


That masculinist groups campaigning to get more grants to help people in distress is one thing.

But does this mean Lépine portray as a poor victim of "feminist propaganda handsomely subsidized with taxpayer money"?

The members of L'Après-rupture did not they make that they shooting themselves in the foot by taking such a speech? They completely discredit their cause?

The solution does not remove money from groups of women: it is to give more groups of men!

As they say, we don't need to undress Ginette to dress Jacques. We just buy clothes for both ...

Instead of constantly shooting each other, and compare their wounds to know what sex is the most messed up, groups of men and women's groups should work TOGETHER to build a more harmonious and less aggressive.


That said, if I do not share the speech paranoid, misogynist and revenge L'Après-rupture, I confess I feel a certain unease in the discourse surrounding the Polytechnique massacre.

Not because I think the use of Poly is a "recovering feminist," as like to say masculinists radicals. But because I am afraid that this strategy is cons-productive.

Let me explain ...

Over the years, Poly has become a sort of symbol of violence against women.

But do you really think the guys who regularly beats his wife in his living room identified with Marc Lépine?

I doubt it. He said: "Lépine is a monster, an extreme case, a madman, a psychotic. It has nothing to do with me ..."

When they compare there life to Lépine, the "ordinary tyrants" are very nice, very accurate ... Real gentlemen.


Do not misunderstand me: I'm not saying that we should not remind us remember the tragic memory of Poly.

Instead, I think it's essential. Like it or not, this terrible tragedy is part of our history.

But I think we should not make this event a symbol of everyday violence experienced by battered women. It's too big, too monstrous, too exceptional.


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