Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The islamolucidity against the inversion of values: fighting spirit of Munich, by Marie-Êve Marineau
The auditors have been entitled to a preemptive lynching without explanation or put in context. For many Quebecers, the extreme right refers to neo-Nazism and fascime. Lépine then tells us that Wilders is one of the most popular politicians in the Netherlands, a country hitherto known for its liberal values left close to those of Quebec. It would have liked to know how a people can suddenly hear an equally dramatic shift towards the extreme right. What happened? Not a word! Nothing. The journalist Lépine, its high moral acknowledge, judge and condemn and asks us to believe on parole.
However, after running Fitna a court in The Hague has dismissed the Federation of Islamic Netherlands requesting an injunction banning the film. The Tribunal held that the right to freedom of expression allowed Wilders to publicly criticize radical Islam and passages of the Koran, and that although it is provocative, the message Wilders is not a call to hatred or violence against Muslims.
Several of us share the concern of objective information released from the straitjacket of the single thought. We seek to understand and we are surprised at just under this chronic lack of depth and probity in the analysis of current events, such as this in the media.
At Radio Canada or in newspapers widely circulated only conformity with generally accepted opinion is tolerated. There is a reason beyond the so-called progressive ideas and anti-that everyone is supposed to feel and convey, we discover a state of mind similar to that which prevailed in the 30 years before the Anschluss and Munich Agreement: The difficulty in admitting the existence of danger.
It must be said that the danger is practical only when it was something very valuable to defend. The Western elites are not aware they have something worthwhile to be protected. For many intellectuals and those who go for such contempt and denigration of our civilization is a mark of intelligence, they boast of being "iconoclasts" as though Western civilization and its values were icons and not the same land where they are rooted! The relativism is really a negation of its own values, it invariably akin to nihilism.
When one wants to deny the validity of a message on throwing stones at the messenger in dealing with racist and Islamophobic, and woe to anyone who dares to draw conclusions practices into line with the seriousness of the message. Ask the danger of Islamism in Leftists and pacifists, they will tell you that the danger comes not from Islam but those sounding the alarm about it, just as pacifists of 1938 for which the danger did not come Hitler, but Churchill!
But the "crime" of those who, like Geert Wilders, lift the veil on the violence of Islam, has an aggravating circumstance, it undermines the naively optimistic ambient and blindness voluntary. To demonstrate that Islam is inherently violent is contrary to the vulgate pacifist. The facts are not enough to absolve those who relate objectively. Describe the reality is in itself a crime, expected that informing people is warn them of danger; strange as it may seem this is the awareness of the threat which is denounced as responsible for the conflict, not threat itself.
The Western newspapers have hung the label "extreme right" on Geert Wilders, while the latter defends liberal values threatened by Islam: freedom of expression, gender equality, democracy, secularism, non-violence, gay rights etc. . Is this ignorance or misinformation? For some it is the pathological lack of curiosity, they repeat a good parrots what other newspapers have written. For others it is simply the well will be adopted to discredit a politician who showed a rare courage in denouncing extremism and violence. The media are seeking to destroy a person who risks his life to defend the kind of society without which these same media could not survive!
To reduce someone to silence or discredit it suffices to accuse, without the slightest evidence of racism or Islamophobia. He hangs a "yellow star" to better insulate the rest of the citizens and to muzzle anyone who might be tempted to approve it aloud. The process is very convenient, the accusers are not required to provide evidence and their victims are automatically stripped of their rights. In the case of Mark Steyn and magazine Maclean the presumption of innocence, the right to be heard, the right to make full answer and defence have been trampled upon by the very people (the Committee for Human Rights) who were supposed to promote them.
We are witnessing here in a strange alliance, that of the far-right Islamist and somehow left that has lost its bearings. The hatred of the West gives his hand to the self-hatred: tactical alliance with Islamic alliance but suicidal for the left. When our worst enemy becomes our main ally to submit our partner there is a problem.
And we do will come out not so collectively we refuse to admit that there is problem. To cure it is necessary above all else s'avouer ill and put away the habits and behaviours that exacerbate the disease. The Quebec society must take note of the dangers that Islam poses to all citizens. This ideology of extreme right violently opposed to democracy, freedoms and human rights, it attacks the rule of law that seeks to distort and to submit. For islamolucides the challenge is enormous, objectively inform people using its best, their intelligence their judgement and their sense of values.
Labels: Hostile races, Islam, Marie-Êve Marineau, Religion and fanaticism
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