Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Quebec - Poll: tenacious resistance to Islam, more than elsewhere in Canada, by Francis Chartrand

Quebecers agree with the progressive press of the Persian Gulf against the Europeans. The same phenomenon is experienced by us. See: Authors Progressive Muslims: The Muslim groups in Europe exploit the openness of the Europeans

The survey is presented as a sign that Quebeckers are less open minded than Canadians in other provinces. This is nonsense.

People have a right to hate a religion over another, and all forms of fundamentalism. People have the right to reject the very idea of a god or a creator of the universe, and only look at religions as superstition. The State has no mandate to be loved or despised religions atheism and agnosticism. Instead, it should guarantee freedom of conscience.

In addition, we must not confuse hatred of religion and hatred of people who practice it. If this were the case, should denounce the press for Quebec hate speech. The Quebec media continue to drag Christianity and the Catholic clergy in the mud. We should absolutely love religions of others and respect their imams, mullahs and ayatollahs?!

A for mixed marriages: Ask the Bouchard-Taylorist the so-called open-mindedness, it would like her child marries a "redneck" Alberta Christian who believes that man and dinosaurs lived together on Earth there are six thousand years?

If the mother of Nathalie Morin had another girl, do you think it would be happy to see her attend a Saudi? And other relatives in Quebec?

If you want to know what prejudice and bigotry, read the forum regularly mejliss or the book of our favorite Montreal imam. It includes the member Fatima Houda-Pepin of "false" Muslim because she married a Catholic Quebecers ... a true Muslim to marry a Muslim, the other being that dirty infidels. Even among themselves, they regularly deal with heretics or apostates.

Ask Muslims in Quebec if they would like to see their daughter married a Quebec-born, a Jew or a Sikh ... These families have a tradition of arranged marriages. They marry among themselves, often between first cousins. In the West, girls are victims of crimes of "honor" to be fallen in love with a boy from another religion. Quebecers still do not!

As for the opinion on Sikh: the image that Quebecers have is that of a family who is abusing her child by forcing him to wear a dagger (kirpan) 24 hours a day, including school . Orthodox Sikhs which require that schools accommodate these archaic beliefs are primarily responsible for the bad image that Quebecers form of their religion.

This survey shows that Quebecers have good reflexes ... and Canadians from other provinces have been so indoctrinated by the ideology multikulti neo-totalitarian they are better able to prioritize their values. For them, anything goes, from the abject sublime. Quebecers refuse the many accommodations immoral, they refuse to accommodate archaisms, and Islamism, this theology of death segregationist who treats women as things of life that includes a shroud. Congratulations to Quebec!

There is no need to indoctrinate the people of Quebec to begin to respect the religion of others. It should begin with we respect ourselves, our history, our roots, our culture. And educate others on freedom of conscience, the benefits of secular institutions, separation of religion and politics, freedom of expression ... and freedom to express life by falling in love with the infidels!

Tenacious resistance to Islam in Quebec

One year after the end of the Bouchard-Taylor commission, Quebecers still eat lots of prejudices against certain religious groups. More than half of them believe that the fundamental principles of Islam promote violence, reveals a recent survey conducted by the Angus Reid firm.

"Quebecers are wary of most religions in general as all other Canadians and their feeling is particularly strong towards Islam and Sikhism," says the analyst Jaideep Mukerji.

Thus, 45% of Quebecers say that it would be "unacceptable" that one of their children marries a Muslim, whereas this rate is only 29% in the rest of the country. Quebecers are also systematically more likely than other Canadians disapprove of a union with a Sikh, a Hindu, a Buddhist or a Jew, although the phenomenon is less marked.

Another finding: 68% of Quebecers have an unfavorable opinion moderately or very unfavorable Islam, compared to 52% in Canada.

Directed the 14 and 15 April on behalf of Maclean's magazine from 1004 Canadian Internet users, including 280 Quebecers, the survey has a margin of error of 6.1% appréciable for provincial results. "But the trend and the gap between Quebec and the rest of Canada are significant," says Mukerji.

Mr. Mukerji believes that this reluctance reflected a lack of minority religious groups. Half of Quebecers say they do not understand the beliefs of Islam. "They are very few to personally know friends who practice religions other than Christianity, compared to other Canadians," he says.

Finally, it is also in the province in which reasonable accommodations have made the most of ink flow resistance are the highest: 74% of Quebecers believe that the laws and standards in Canada should not be amended to facilitate religious practices, or 17 percentage points more than in the rest of the country.



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