Sunday, December 27, 2009


Hurray the Swiss, by Jacques Brassard

What a fabulous democracy than Switzerland! No, but you realize! The Swiss, in a proportion of 57.5%, have decided to ban the construction of new minarets (the towers of mosques in the top of which the muezzin calls to prayer) on Swiss territory. And this, in a referendum, the result of a popular initiative. As Jacques Demers say: "Chapeau! Swiss!"

I open a parenthesis on the referendum process of popular initiative. It doe's not exist here. In Quebec, only the National Assembly, on proposal of the Government, can trigger a referendum. During some discussion on democracy in Quebec, some players have already proposed to make it possible, as in Switzerland and in several U.S. states, the referendum initiative. The trigger might be, for example, a petition containing a specified number of signatures. I must confess that I was not at the time, very hot to go in this direction. However, I am announcing that I changed my mind. Quebec should adopt such a procedure. "The Swiss show us, writes Marc Lebuis in his excellent site, tipping point, something that Quebecers could do to counter their disconnection Ave political leadership, institutional and academic Quebec: claim right to hold referendums in order to remove the hands of our decision makers the power to make major decisions affecting seriously the fate of Quebec. All this is not just Islam as such, but also reform education, the course Ethics and Religious Culture, immigration policies and the principle of accommodation." According to you, the results are they similar to those of the Swiss referendum on minarets? Personally, I am convinced. And I am also certain that the reaction of our Želite right-thinking, multiculturalists, nerd-progressive preachers of "living together" flatten ventriste would be the same as that of the European oligarchies slavishly Islamophile and viciously Christianophobia: full of indignation contempt for the people considered ignorant, intolerant and racist. This divorce between the people and Želite is a widespread phenomenon in the West.

But is it a crime so heinous that the Swiss have committed? Nonsense! The minaret is not an essential element of the mosque. That of Jerusalem, for example, has none. Therefore, writes Barbara Kay, National Post, "Switzerland does not mosques, which are the site of activity and religious practice. She banished that is perfectly understood in Islamic countries as a symbol of cultural domination." Multiply the minarets in the West to civilization Judeo-Christian roots, is, for Muslims, a demonstration of their willingness to impose a conqueror, not only ostentatious religious symbols (minaret burka) but, more seriously, values contrary to ours. This is called the stealth jihad is a process of Islamization of Western societies. In Paris, for example, there are now streets are blocked at the hour of prayer to allow hundreds of Muslims to spread their mats and prostrate themselves. In Paris!

The most shocking in all this is to see Muslim leaders offended and cry to the oppression and discrimination on the grounds that freedom of religion and worship is shamefully flouted. There is something deeply repugnant in this attitude when we know that in the Muslim world, freedom of worship, often legally and practically does not exist. "In Muslim countries, writes Pierre-Andre Taguieff, Christians are particularly discriminated against and persecuted when they have not been expelled. In some Muslim countries in the name of Islam perpetrated massacres of civilians, targeted as Christians." He continues: "In Muslim countries that religious freedoms are the least respected: Judaism and Christianity are housed in the same boat. When Islam is state religion, intolerance is institutionalized violence against non-Muslims allowed, even encouraged, totalitarianism or watching reign."

Everywhere in the Muslim world, Christians are persecuted and often killed, their churches burned, their priests murdered. In Nigeria, there are hundreds of Christians were killed. In Pakistan too, the Islamists opened fire on worshipers gathered and burned their places of worship. In Iraq, the Christian community is endangered. And in the West face of this persecution, only silence and indifference. The "good conscience" who resent the Swiss vote on minarets (Foglia as, for example), they have never outraged the massacre of Christians in the Muslim world? The progressive self-righteous and well-talkies were they ever shocked the inferior status of Christians in Muslim countries (they are dhimmis, that is to say, inferior beings that have fewer rights than Muslims )? Do you? Why worry about those silly believers arrears? After all, they are only "cathos," as Ms. Bazzo disdainfully calls, the incarnation of the Quebec goche bon chic bon genre. Where, even worse, they are only remnants of the Age of Darkness, as the Copts in Egypt. So, sleep in our media and intellectual Želite is no upset because they were persecuted because they were bullied and because the murders.

But banning the construction of minarets, then there really any crime, regardless ignomonie, what meanness! Pour nos zélites frileuses et poltronnes, c'est du racisme, du sectarisme, du fascisme. For our Želite timid and cowardly, it's racism, bigotry, fascism. However, the Swiss vote does not affect the freedom of religion of Muslims, the minaret is not essential to a mosque. But we must understand and decode the message many of Helvetian. What Swiss reject, through the prohibition of construction of minarets, Islam is also a retrograde, primitive, hostile to the fundamental rights of the individual, anti-democratic and committed to a code of law (Sharia) incompatible with the founding values of the West.

Taj Hargey is the Imam of the congregation of Summertown, Oxford. This is called a "moderate Muslim", a rare species that would probably declare the species endangered. "When European Muslims, he writes, unthinkingly endorse this perverted theology by claiming compliance with a Sharia medieval character, justifying the honor killings, stoning and forced marriage, defending the uniqueness of 'Islam and the formation of separate communities, they cause fear and exacerbate hostility towards Muslims. When European Muslims are praised as little Koranic doctrines that wearing niqap, they exclude themselves from ALL OF THE COMPANY." These words of the comforting hand of a Muslim imam. The problem is that the imams of the milling are scarce and Islamic communities in the West are largely dominated by radical Islam and jihad and are therefore involved and compromised in the war deliver the Islamo-fascists against Western civilization. And will not believe it's different in Quebec and Canada. At home, the Muslims are refractory to integration into the host society. And with immigration levels adopted by the State of Quebec, the situation will only get worse.

JACQUES BRASSARDPublié on the blog of former minister Jacques Brassard Parti Québécois

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