Thursday, May 22, 2008


The 37 recommendations in the final report of the Bouchard-Taylor Commission

Montréal, May 22, 2008 – The Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences (CCPARDC) today made public the 37 recommendations in its final report, which are listed below.

A) Learning diversity

The Co-Chairs recommend that:

A1. the Québec government provide much more extensive funding to organizations with a mandate to inform and protect citizens. We are thinking, first and foremost, of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse and the Conseil des relations interculturelles;

A2. the government encourage projects and initiatives that enable members of the ethnic minorities to make themselves more extensively seen and heard by the general public through radio or television programs, theme days, and so on;

A3. the government increase financial support for organizations such as the Fondation de la tolérance, the Institut du Nouveau Monde and Vision Diversité. It should also encourage the creation of other similar projects throughout Québec devoted to information, training, intercommunity action, intercultural debate and the dissemination of pluralism;

A4. the government also increase its support for similar, equally promising initiatives already under way or in preparation in the education and health sectors.

B) Harmonization practices

The Co-Chairs recommend that:

B1. the government broaden its efforts to promote the common civic framework or what we have called common public values in institutions and among Quebecers in general;

B2. the managers of public institutions step up their efforts to:

B3. in keeping with the objective of dejudicializing the handling of accommodation requests, the government foster the accountability of interveners in institutions by ensuring that they have received adequate training. Some examples are the modification of the training program for future teachers to include additional instruction time devoted to intercultural questions and the organization of specialized sessions for current teachers;

B4. the government ensure that health care establishments have sufficient funds to cover their needs for interpreters’ services;

B5. the government implement the necessary mechanisms to:

B6. The Co-Chairs approve of the initiative now under way in the National Assembly to introduce into the Québec Charter an interpretation clause that establishes gender equality as a core value of our society.

Moreover, the Co-Chairs recommend that:

B7. the government establish an Office d’harmonisation interculturelle, a paragovernmental body that reports to the Conseil des relations interculturelles, which works in tandem with other agencies in related fields. This body would, in particular, play a role with respect to information, training, coordination, advice, and research centred on intercultural harmonization practices, including interdenominational practices, in our society.

B8. Religious holidays:

The Co-Chairs recommend that:

B9. the government highlight excellence in the realm of harmonization practices in the workplace by:

C) The integration of immigrants

The Co-Chairs recommend that:

C1. from the standpoint of the planning of immigration rates, the government make sure that the number of immigrants admitted corresponds to the reception resources available, especially in respect of labour market integration and francization;

C2. in order to overcome a serious deficiency that is now apparent, the government increase funding for community groups and other front-line organizations devoted to welcoming and integrating immigrants, in particular to consolidate and develop the existing network of organizations while avoiding a piecemeal approach;

C3. the government step up its efforts in respect of the francization and integration of immigrants by:

C4. the government step up measures to accelerate the process of recognizing skills and diplomas acquired abroad. Among the urgent measures, we recommend:

C5. the government step up its efforts to foster the regionalization of immigration. In this spirit, it would be advisable to:

C6. to facilitate the integration of newcomers, the ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles create for them an interactive portal in order to centralize all information on resources and institutional services, including municipal and community resources and services, with respect to employment, housing, health, education, and so on;

C7. the government increase funding for organizations that support immigrant women;

C8. the ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles adopt the appropriate measures to make the most of Québec volunteer work for the purpose of welcoming and integrating immigrants, in particular to enable them to gain access to social networks;à

C9. the government department now responsible for immigration be renamed the ministère de l’Immigration et des Relations interculturelles.

D) Interculturalism

The Co-Chairs recommend that:

D1. the government launch a vigorous campaign to promote interculturalism in Québec society to broaden awareness of it;

D2. to better establish interculturalism as a model that prevails over intercultural relations in Québec, the government enshrine interculturalism in a statute, a policy statement or a declaration and that this initiative include public consultations and a vote in the National Assembly;

D3. the government encourage all forms of intercultural contact as a means of reducing stereotypes and fostering participation in and integration into Québec society. In this spirit:

D4. a Fonds d’histoires de vie des immigrants be established, to be managed by the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec;

D5. the government pay close attention to testimony presented concerning so-called ethno-denominational schools.

E) Inequality and discrimination

The Co-Chairs recommend that:

E1. the government seek to better understand and combat the different forms of racism, especially ethnism, found in our society. In this spirit:

E2. government mandataries and agencies be responsible for their results in respect of the fight against racism and discrimination and that accountability mechanisms be introduced for this purpose based on performance indicators;

E3. the National Assembly follow up on a recommendation made by the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse aimed at strengthening the economic and social rights recognized in sections 39 to 48 in the Québec Charter:“The Commission recommends that the economic and social rights recognized in sections 39 to 48 of the Charter be strengthened in light of:

F) The French language

The report does not contain any formal recommendation since the CCPARDC deemed this theme to be on the margin of its mandate. That being the case, the Co-Chairs have reviewed the situation in their report.

G) Secularism

The Co-Chairs recommend that:

G1. the government draft a white paper on secularism in order to:

G2. with regard to the wearing by government employees of religious signs:

G3. measures be adopted to bring certain practices in public institutions into line with the principles of open secularism. Consequently, in the name of the separation of the State and the churches and in the name of State neutrality, we recommend that:

G5. the government produce and disseminate every year among the managers of institutions and public or private organizations a multidenominational calendar that indicates the dates of religious holidays.

H) Research to be conducted

The Co-Chairs recommend that:

H1. the government free up additional research funds that would be earmarked, in particular, for the study of:

H2. the government set up a special grant fund reserved for universities and Cegeps in the regions to fund applied research devoted to the general theme of immigration and integration in the regions.

The Commission

At the request of Premier Jean Charest, the CCPARDC took stock of accommodation practices, conducted a public consultation throughout Québec and examined the attendant questions.

Individuals, groups and associations submitted over 900 briefs and 241 people testified during the 31 days of hearings. All told, 22 regional forums attracted 3 423 participants and over 800 people took part in four province-wide forums. Moreover, 13 research projects conducted by specialists from Québec universities were commissioned and 31 focus groups were organized throughout Québec in which participants came from varied backgrounds.

When it concludes its activities in June, the CCPARDC will have spent $3.7 million of a total budget of $5.1 million. The final report and related documents can be consulted online (

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