Sunday, January 03, 2010
Canada is hosting an organization that glorifies jihad and recruiting for terrorist organizations, by Iba Bouramine
All these years of cultural relativism, of accommodation and political correctness on radical Islam Canadian bear fruit. By dint of imagining that all the radicals are equal, we focus on the wrong targets. Radical Islam is rising and we do not even need to look to find them, they appear! One of the most radical movements of the Islamic world, Hizb ut-Tahrir has just moved openly in Canada. This movement is a kind of conduit for organizations like al Qaeda. He plays the role of agency recruitment and training for organizations Terros which themselves apply jihad in its most violent and also seeks, among other things, terrorism to advance the cause. For decades the Hizb ut-Tahrir acted secretly in the United States, organizing meetings and conferences under the name of organizations-screens. But things have changed. He became more rebellious and do more cache to spread its ideas in North America.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international movement which has the goal of restoring an Islamic state or caliphate-world - which encourages Muslims to support jihad. Its particularity is to provide resources to terrorism. The movement recruited and indoctrinated individuals unstable then we find in organizations 'act' like al-Qaida. One of these former members is Kahlid Sheikh Mohammad, an organizer of the attacks of September 11. There was also Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Hambali, head of Jemaa Islamiya terrorist group and Asif Muhammad Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif recruited by Hamas to carry out attacks in Tel Aviv.
Hizb ut-Tahrir was founded in 1952 by Sheikh Yaqiuddin Al-Nabhan, a man whose worldview was shaped by the Muslim Brotherhood, but found that the Brotherhood had become too moderate! After participating in the coup that failed in Egypt and Jordan, the Hizb ut-Tahrir was considered so radical it was banned throughout the Middle East. He then moved to Europe and after the fall of communism, it has spread in Central Asia.
It is difficult to estimate the number of its members. He certainly has grown since the attacks of September 11, said Madeleine Gruen, a principal analyst for the NEFA Foundation. In 2003 it was estimated that the movement had ten to one hundred thousand members worldwide. Today, this movement, active in forty countries, nearly one hundred thousand members not only in Indonesia and "several hundreds of thousands" in the world, according to Mrs. Gruen.
In the U.S., Hizb ut-Tahrir were hundreds of members. His ideology is a mixture of orthodox Islam, Marxism-Leninism, anti-Semitism and opposition to liberal democracies. Even if it arises in non-violent movement, the Hizb ut-Tahrir advocates, "the same vision and goals that al-Qaida," according to experts like Madeleine Gruen observes that the Hizb ut-Tahrir expands recruitment activities on a much broader basis.
Even if he does not organize terrorist acts, Hizb ut-Tahrir glorifies jihad and accuses of terrorist organizations like Hamas do not be so hard on Israel. In a brochure posted on its website July 1, the organization said that if the caliphate there, all of Palestine "would be cleared of occupants Jews" and brought "into the fold of the Islamic state."
HTA is also obsessed with the alleged nefarious U.S., President Obama and the capitalist system. This can be seen casting a glance at the titles of articles posted on its website.
The spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir emphasize that their organization is not engaged in terrorist activities and affirmed that the United States and Paskistan want to delete because they fear his fight for justice for Muslims .
Bullshit meet the criticisms. "Freedom and justice sought by hypertension can be achieved by violence, as it is to overthrow democracies." This was particularly backed the director of Center for Eurasian Policy Hudson Institute. Zeyno Baran.
Testifying before a Senate committee, Baran said: "It is unlikely that the Hisz ut-Tahrir is involved in terrorism. The terrorist action is not part of its mission. But this movement serves as training camps ideological and political Islamists. I have described as "a conveyor belt to terrorism".
Labels: Canada, Iba Bouramine, Islam, Ontario, Pakistan, Religion and fanaticism, United States
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