Sunday, January 03, 2010


Evidence of impending genocide of the white race, by Francis Chartrand

The City of Montreal ravaged by the scourge of racism. On the verge of hysterics, the municipality adopted an emergency plan.

Seen on several posters in Montreal:

"Advice to young white couples who are thinking about Montreal having children. Contribute to the fight against racism. Sterilize yourselfs and adopt rather small Chinese girls or Haitian boys. We must at anyway, eliminate the white race, responsible for so much misery on Earth.

Besides with the affirmative action programs in education and employment, your kids, yellow, brown or black will have much better chance in life than a white child ontologically racist and whose ancestors who built Quebec the sweat of their brows were vile and despicable beings, colonizers and responsable of Native American genocide. You do not want your child to bear such a burden of shame and guilt in life!

A message from the City of Montreal, in collaboration with SOS Racisme, the Ministry of Families, the Ministry of Immigration and the Ministry of Education, Sport and Recreation."

Well, I have no picture with me, but believe me when I say, people can testify.

Let's make us a gift in 2010; fuck the City of Montreal outside the province of Quebec, we will be able to breathe easier.

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I can't believe it, it appens right north of us, what kind of shit is that?

I though Canada was more defending his french canadian history than New England.

That poster, Mr. Chartrand, was that a joke? Or the governement is some kind serius, like when it quiet up Herouville on his nationalist position?

I'll came back Monday on that blog.

The Governement is some kind of serious up here, in Quebec. Quebec is deafending his own french canadian history and heritage on June 24th, our provincial holiday.

But the day after, back to regular programming: "Shut up and be quiet, you're back as a minority in your own province, in your country. Only Muslims, Afros, Jews, Hindus, Homos, Tamoul and Taliban can speak here. See you next year."

Is'nt it pathetic?
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